How to reclaim that lovin’ feeling for your business
One of the hallmark characteristics an evolutionary entrepreneur is a deep longing or desire to make a difference in the world with our unique gifts. It’s this desire to make an impact that fuels our drive to build a business.
In the beginning, we have a love affair with the vision of our business — not unlike those first few months of falling in love with your spouse or partner. Everything seems wonderful, you’re invincible because your love is invincible… and then the honeymoon is over, as they say. The vision sort of loses it’s allure and the time, energy and money you’re pouring into this dream you had, causes you lose touch with that desire.
Notice that I say — it causes you to lose touch with the desire…
but not to lose the desire itself.
So let’s take a moment and consider this word desire.
Most people would define desire as a feeling — right? It’s this feeling of wanting or longing for something.
The problem with this is that feelings are always temporary — they’re fleeting — here today, gone tomorrow. You can’t depend on feelings to fuel your dreams over the long term, so there has to be another way.
I’d like to give you another perspective on desire.
Let’s begin with the idea that desire isn’t a feeling, rather… desire is possibility seeking to express itself in you, through you, as you.
Desire is possibility seeking to express itself in you, through you, as you.
YOU are the vessel through which this particular possibility wants to emerge. As an entrepreneur, the possibility is your business and your business expresses itself in you, through you, as you… using your unique gifts and talents.
Possibility always taps on the person’s shoulder who’s uniquely suited for the highest expression, the highest potential of that thing that wants to be expressed… in this case, your business.
Here’s a personal example: I am really good at taking a complicated concept, simplifying it and teaching it to other people in a way that they have an ‘aha’ and ‘get it’. My two favorite subjects are human/social potential and marketing — so it’s no surprise that one of the roles I play in my business is content creation and teaching marketing strategy to conscious entrepreneurs. In other words, I’m uniquely suited to do exactly what I do and can serve the highest expression of my business with my gifts and talents.
Here’s the other side of that… I’m not good at all with details and operational types of things. In fact I pretty much hate that stuff, but I have a partner who is great at that sort of thing and she is uniquely suited to serve the highest expression of our business with her unique gifts and talents.
So let’s bring this full-circle back to desire, because it’s the fuel that will continue to drive you to make a difference in the world with your gifts. My invitation to you is to remember what desire actually is, and every time you feel a bit worn out, or disillusioned or you’ve lost that lovin’ feeling for your business pause and remember that desire is possibility seeking to express itself in you, through you, as you.
Possibility would never have come along and tapped on your shoulder if you weren’t suitable for the job. In fact, possibility passed up everyone else and came to you — because of one simple truth:
YOU are uniquely qualified to express the highest potential of your business, in a way that no one else can.
Connecting with desire in this way, as opposed to searching for a feeling that may or may not exist in the moment will keep you present to the real reason why you started your business in the first place.
Originally published at