What does the word work conjure up for you? Is it a feeling of excitement? A sense that you’re about to do something amazing? A gosh-just-can’t-get-enough-of-what-I-do series of thoughts?

Or does it bring with it a heavy, burdensome sense of obligation? A feeling of giving and not receiving? A sense of being taken advantage of?

A feeling of heaviness came over me

Earlier today after my morning walk, I thought to myself, right better get some work done. And a feeling of heaviness came over me. Oh-oh I realised, that doesn’t feel right. I need to reframe that!

I went over in my mind what the word work meant to me, and I felt this real sense that when I talked about work to myself, it was all about having to do things that I didn’t want to do, in a place I didn’t want to be, for people I didn’t want to be around – all so that I could earn (not enough) money.

Wowzers – what a bundle of confusing, counteractive, unconstructive thought patterns!  No wonder I felt heavy and cheerless at the thought of using my skills.

Talent channelling

To let go of those thoughts and unresolved emotions, I bundled up those feelings, called in my angels and said “I choose to release that”. And a great weight lifted from my shoulders – aahhh!

I decided that I would remove the word “work” from my vocabulary. Instead I’m going to call it “talent channelling”. In doing that, it opens up the possibilities that I can use any or all of my many talents and skills. Instead of getting that feeling of heaviness, I now create a feeling of endless possibilities.

Which means that spending time 

  • writing or 
  • creating social media strategies or 
  • networking or 
  • talking to fellow collaborators or 
  • sorting out websites or 
  • recording videos or 
  • sharing knowledge and wisdom or 

of a million other ways to channel my talents is how I choose to express myself
at that time.  In doing this, it takes a great pressure off those talents to create income for me in the form of the equation talent + time = financial reward.

It frees money to come in lots of ways

It leaves me free to decide which talent and in what form is needed in the moment. It frees money up to come to me in lots of ways, including through my talents. It takes away those feelings of heaviness and obligation. A much better outcome!

What do you think of when you say the word work? I’d love to know!  

Connect with me on Linked In and let me know your thoughts 🙂