Grandpa: “You could go to law school!”
Me: “Hell no.”
I have heard this suggestion about a thousand times over the past few years from my beloved Grandpa. While talking about my future with excitement, and also question, the former judge seemed to be so set that I go to law school. Every time I dismissed my Grandfather’s suggestion a sense of anger seemed to wash over him.
Some people may hear “Law School,” but I hear “Learn how to think inside the box.” While there is nothing wrong with being a lawyer or a judge, they all must learn how to think inside the box. For some, this is exactly what they want and I am thankful for these individuals. Despite being thankful, I would rather run three marathons then have my creativity taken from me.
It doesn’t bother me one bit that my Grandpa is heartbroken that I won’t be a lawyer because I don’t have an ounce of passion for limiting my creativity. I have recently realized the creative impact I can have on the world and it involves constant innovative thinking.
Countless people are so set in their ways and expect others to follow in their footsteps. The truth is, everyone has their own goals in life and we should refuse to do anything unless we truly want to. Even if everyone in the world pushed me to be a lawyer, I still wouldn’t do so. I refuse to go down a path that appears black and white.
So, avoid your version of “Law School” and do what you desire. Life is too short to be spending time that we don’t thoroughly enjoy. Chase your dreams and find the fulfillment you seek because tomorrow is never promised.
Originally published at