Do you find yourself tossing and turning a lot at night and find it difficult to sleep due to various thoughts running through your mind? Well, worrying too much, especially when you are off to sleep does not let your mind relax hence you may find it difficult to fall asleep.

This is a common condition nowadays owing to the increase in stress amongst people, hence the percentage of people suffering from insomnia is rising constantly as one-third of Americans go through this condition.

If you are suffering from a mental health condition, then constant worry and stress may cause anxiety that would trigger insomnia.

The Relation Between Insomnia and Mental Health:

The cause of insomnia can be related to your mental health condition such as stress, anxiety, emotional distress or depression. The irony is that the relation between insomnia and mental health condition is bidirectional as mental health conditions can cause insomnia and vice versa.

People suffering from depression, stress and anxiety are the ones prone to this condition and statistics have revealed that 40-50% of people suffering from insomnia have mental health disorders. People suffering from insomnia are at higher risk of developing depression than people who sleep well.

The problem with the bidirectional relationship between insomnia and mental health problem is that whichever is causing the other either of them makes the other condition worse as it is a vicious cycle. Hence, once you address one problem, it will also make the other problem better.

Being Depressed or Anxious Does Not Mean You Have Insomnia:

It is not mandatory that a depressed person always is suffering from insomnia. Stress and anxiety can cause difficulty in sleeping for anyone. If you are managing your mental health condition and dealing with anxiety and depression rather than neglecting it, you may just not develop insomnia at all.

Not Being Able to Sleep Does Not Mean You Suffer from Insomnia:

If you are unable to sleep, there may be several reasons behind it and you cannot conclude that you are depressed, anxious or have other mental illnesses. In today’s competitive world where both professional and personal life gets so complicated, it is common to experience difficulty in sleeping as you may find yourself thinking about many things. Simple techniques such as meditation or calming your anxious self by using cbd tinctures can be effective in relaxing your mind to induce sleep. Finding the right CBD product is not that difficult if you buy the right brand.  you must know more about what is white label CBD to be able to choose the right brand. Just remember that the brand that is selling the product may not be the one manufacturing the product, and this is known as white labeling hence check for the manufacturer details to be sure.

Suffering from Insomnia Does Not Mean You are Depressed:

The next discussion would be that if you are suffering from insomnia that it doesn’t really mean that you will develop anxiety or depression as this is just a small factor and there are many other factors involved that cause mental disorder. But the bottom line is, if you are at the risk of developing depression then sleep disorder may trigger your condition hence look for the following signs along with insomnia to conclude that your mental health is compromised.

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Feeling depressed
  • Suicide thoughts
  • Lack of appetite
  • Feeling worthless
  • Fatigue
  • Irritated
  • Unable to concentrate

If you find yourself dealing with any of the above, then it is an alarming sign and you need to immediately seek help from a professional hence get the required treatment before your condition worsens as the quicker you deal with such issues, you will lead a normal life again.
