The Gregorian calendar usually begins with Sunday as the first day of the week. However, the demands of a 40-hour workload along with the re-structure of the American family has shifted Sunday’s to the last day of the week to prepare for another 5 days of hassle, hustle and bustle. Hopefully, Saturday was a day filled with exciting hobbies and extra-curriculum activities. Sunday’s are generally spent with family spent worshipping in churches, lounging on the couch, and believe it or not there are individuals that are actually bogged down with thoughts about upcoming meetings, meals, projects, wardrobe, and travel for the week. Release and let it go. Wind down on Sunday, relax, unwind, do nothing to give your body a recharge.
How are you spending your Sunday? If you’re allowing yourself to become inundated with Monday through Friday before it comes, below are a few tips.
- Unplug– Limit your time on social media. Technology has a way of draining energy. Countless hours can pass after perusing various media platforms. But if you decide not to unplug, make sure that its productive.
- Read a book– A good book can prove beneficial. Not only are you consuming knowledge and becoming inspired, its an outlet of escape from current surroundings.
- Take a walk– Walking allows you to enjoy nature, meditate, and burn calories. Increase the benefits of walking by listening to music, local radio station, syndicated stations, podcast, etc;
- Spend time with family–Spending time with family is important. It doesn’t have to be some over the top outing. It can be as simple as preparing dinner or taking a walk.
- Watch a movie or catch up on previously recorded television shows.
- Do nothing–Sometimes doing nothing can be the best relaxation for a Sunday.
- Journal–This is definitely my favorite choice of therapy. This option will actually prepare you for the week if you decide to reflect on how to have a productive yet prosperous week.
Enjoy your Sunday! Remember to relax, unwind, and focus on self.