As a mom it often seems impossible to find a moment for yourself. To find a moment to relax. You simply have no time for it. Your kids need you! And when you have a moment, there’s this laundry basket that magically seems to fill itself every time you think it’s empty.
You need a moment to relax, you just don’t know how and when. Is relaxation even something for moms? You need a moment to breathe, to recharge your energy. But as soon as you have 5 minutes to close your eyes… you fall asleep on the couch.
Happy kids
Being a mom can be hard, but in the same time so rewarding. And your children are what’s most important to you. But did you know that when YOU feel good, you can be an even better and nicer mom for your kids?
Yes, that’s right! Spend a little more time on yourself, and your children will benefit from it. How amazing is that?
7 super easy tips to help you get started:
1 – Massage your hands – Take your favorite cream (can be hand cream, but any cream will do) and massage your hands. Take your time to slowly massage your hand, to massage each finger. Make slow movements, don’t rush it. If you only get to do one hand, that’s OK, you’ll take a second break later for your other hand.
2 – Enjoy your coffee or tea – Prepare yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea and then sit down to enjoy it. And I don’t mean “Wait till it’s cold and then rapidly drink it to continue what you’re doing”! Hold your cup in your hands. Smell it… Feel the warmth on your hands… Breathe… Relax… Drink it when the temperature is perfect so you enjoy it the most!
3 – Do a 2 minute meditation – OK I know this is a challenge, I really do! But… why don’t you give it a try? Listen to a 2 minute meditation that helps you quickly relax. Even if it’s only 2 minutes, it’s more than nothing! And if your kids are around, it doesn’t matter! You’ll be hearing the voice of the meditation and it WILL help you breathe slower and relax!
4 – Dance – Put on your favorite song and move! Dance like nobody’s watching, or slowly move on the music. It doesn’t matter, as long as you move and enjoy the music and the moment. Your kids might join you for some fun time together!
5 – Read – If you’re anything like me, you’ll find that reading lights you up in so many ways! A calm moment in the evening with a book or your favorite magazine. Imagine how amazing that would be! So some evenings, choose to read instead of binge watching your favorite Netflix series.
6 – Sleep – Yes! Go to bed early! I know it’s tempting to stay up late once you finally have time for yourself in the evening, but you need your sleep! So badly! Getting enough sleep is a real game changer. You’ll feel more rested and relaxed during the day which will make everything easier!
7 – Breathe – Hmmm, pretty obvious, I know. You have to keep breathing. But… try to breathe more deeply and slowly. Place a hand, or both hands, on your belly and try to breathe towards your hands. Tell yourself to breathe deeply…. and slowly… and your breathing will get slower, and deeper. And you’ll relax!
Be the best mom you can be!
All these tips will help you to relax. To find some calm in your daily chaos. They’ll help you to be an even better mom! Your kids deserve that. And so do you! Be the best mom you can be! I know you can do it!
I’d love to know which tips you’re going to start with. Pick one or two and commit to doing them this week. Let me know in the comments how you’re doing and which ones you choose!
To give you more inspiration for me-time & self-care, I’ve created printable Fun & Self-Care Inspiration cards. They’re part of my free package AIR – An Invitation to Relax. Click here to download it today!