A plural woman – Story 18
A beautiful film title in which a woman reveals herself in sounds and images in all her forms.
I prefer to be behind the camera to film a few paintings of the ordinary woman that I am, with my almost inexhaustible multiple resources to liven up a life and ignore boredom.
A woman of humor to surprise you with appropriate gifts and associations. We engage in learning verbal jousting to sharpen our sense of repartee.
An attentive woman most tied to the mast when your mind floats in the wind. In the event of heated exchanges, you turn orange then opt for the angry color. At these time, I do not venture to lost initiatives. Patience. When the storm recedes, you find serenity and you go back to green where your Olympian calm reassures me. There only my most daring attempts are authorized …
Surprisingly I reveal myself to be a harem woman protected from prying eyes and given to the intimacy of dreams. Every day, I cultivate this vision of a unique odalisque to dazzle and intoxicate you. A symbol of femininity, I also illustrate your muse of poetry and I immortalize my unexpected artistic compositions until I metamorphose into seasons to display myself as a woman of frescoes.
More unlikely when one night, I evolve into a woman of adornment.Perched on my heels, with endless earrings, necklaces, ankle bracelets, I parade for you in fishnets, lace and flowing ruffles. I like to feel undressed by your caressing gaze.
From the parade, there is only one step to become a frivolous woman by her curiosity, her fondness and her irony. Neither sorcerer nor courtesan but committed to the transmission of knowledge. I am proud when you talk about the charm of my cortex, my sparkling words and my humanistic vision.
A vaudeville theater woman with a brain made up of numerous drawers that open, recite their tirades, close, while others keep their secrets. But I also know how to play an intimate performance to the monologues of tragic feelings, to justify, defend, insure and fight. A woman, like all women, who in essence is inclined to doubt and has sagas in her life that she will undoubtedly be led to deny, to forget by amnesia in order to no longer recognize herself.
And above all intuitive, this plural woman who reinvents our history.
Later … when the time is right, I will be a mother, the spur of a life that counts its wealth in the nature of her children. In the evening, I will become a storyteller to continue to charm us with my ordinary stories.
To be continued