Our life today is an endless show and our carmine carpet, vermilion, purple or magenta sometimes turns crimson when our emotions merge.

If the consecration of an artistic success symbolically materializes by the ascent of the steps on a red carpet, this exhilarating effect must be combined with frustration when one realizes that hardly the last fringe of the carpet spanned, the ballerina’s shoe becomes a vulgar slipper that no longer interests the limelight.

I never see the end of this eternal ribbon. In my most daring dreams, it becomes a flying carpet and melts in divine heaven. On earth, it embraces the granulations of the soil. By treading on it with fondness, it becomes a carpet of velvet and happiness without artifice or spotlight, where one can pour out in complete privacy.

Your anonymous star.

To be continued …


  • fabienneherbane


    Fabienne Herbane graduated from  Paris IX Dauphine University in management and got a Master in  sociology of organizations. Then she became a professional in the Air Transport Industry. Surprisingly she leaves the Industry. Her real passion was elsewhere. During her Master she enjoyed studying, reading and she discovered the diversity of Cultures and Traditions. Mixed with childhood dreams this triggered her decision to start a new life. Her curiosity to learn, her open mind were enriched while traveling. She focussed her experience, her ability for observation on the understanding and the respect of traditions in this modern world. Writing is her literary and lively way to share her passion and her human adventures.