What happens when we suddenly discover that the routine of life that we have followed for years vanished and instead there is a big empty space like a blank screen staring at us? It is a shocking experience as we feel confused and helpless and unable to understand how to deal with the new reality thrown upon us while complying with the various restrictive measures to combat Covid19. The disappearance of the structured life that gave us confidence, comfort, and enjoyment has been a rude shock for almost everyone who is now under tremendous mental stress that affects our overall health and wellbeing.
According to Robert Trosten, the sooner we can create a new routine, the better our wellness and wellbeing. First, we must accept the change with a positive frame of mind and, secondly, adapt to the new lifestyle by creating a new routine that keeps us engaged throughout the day, although in some different way. Now that we have been living with the coronavirus pandemic for more than a year, we have learned a lot about survival techniques to create a new routine. It will help to focus at the right places to have a wellness routine that keeps you healthy and provides the strength to combat the pandemic more effectively.
Robert Trosten advises focusing on your food
Only when your body has enough immunity can it prevent infections, and now is the time to plan your diet with nutrients so that it supports the body in the best way to fight the coronavirus. Plan for wholesome meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables and use the time at home to cook your food. Homemade food is the best source of nutrition, provided you put a check on consuming free sugar and salt. Drink plenty of water and other fluids to keep the body hydrated. But be careful with caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco as these develop stress and disturb sleep.
De-stress by embracing Nature
To reduce mental stress, turn to Nature and spend some time outside your home among the trees and plants or walk on the lawn grass. However, maintain social distancing norms if you are venturing outside your premises and keep the hygiene and safety guidelines. Sitting on your balcony or patio, or deck allows the stress to vent out as you lazily gaze at the outside world and engage with so many interesting things around you for which you did not have time earlier. Doing some gardening is highly rewarding as it soothes the mind.
Tap into your creativity
Diverting your attention from the daily chores provides considerable stress relief. The best way to stay engaged is to cultivate your creative side, which refreshes your mind and allows you to turn to the present, which would seem easier to deal with. Play some musical instrument or do some painting to express your feelings creatively.
The longer you stay with yourself, the more comfortable you will feel in dealing with the new lifestyle rigors that the pandemic has thrown upon us.