Many of us live a life that has been told to us instead of our own story. We get caught in insecurities and fears. We end up spending too much time looking outside, comparing ourselves to what others project, and say about us. When we finally find the freedom to stand unapologetically in who we are, we then are able to be confident that our neighbor is not our competition nor our purpose. Rocky Garza is a challenger, truth-teller and life transformer. He walks with you on a journey as the catalyst needed to find clarity in the person you were designed to be. He has designed a safe space providing the opportunity to let down your walls and take a step forward into owning your identity and the value you bring to this world.
Rocky knows first hand how difficult it can be to identify what makes us unique on our own. His childhood tells a tale of having moved 10 times, forced to try and make new friends at every new school, and without any steady family traditions. He ended up spending more time trying to impress or please everyone else; going from one extreme of the pendulum by sailing along on charisma to the other end by living a life of self-sacrifice. No matter how hard he worked, nothing seemed to make sense and he was left never seeing his real value or worth. That is until he took a step back and had a long hard look at WHO he was, not just WHAT he did.
Over the past 15 years, Rocky has walked alongside thousands of individuals at Sky Ranch Summer Camp as Director and counseled and supported hundreds while on the pastoral staff at Chase Oaks Church. Now, as a top keynote speaker and culture consultant, he has taken thousands through the Identity Mapping™ process. As a result, they have all been led to understand the most vivid picture of who they are and how they operate best as individuals.
He admits that there is no shortcut in finding yourself. You must be able to do the work and patiently go through the process of self-discovery. With his guidance and help, you gain the confidence and conviction needed to build a life you believe in. Identity Mapping is his very own signature method. He walks each individual through an intensive process of personal revelation. Unlike the typical personality tests you find online, this is not at all an automated assessment that spits out a generic answer based on an algorithm. Instead, it is a hand-crafted process of critical self-exploration where you take time to put away distractions and uncover the truth. This is not a blueprint.
Rocky understands that we were not made to do this life alone and that nothing grand happens in isolation. If you are someone who wants a thorough understanding of self, Rocky works with you to explore and unpack the truths of your identity. These lay deep under the narrative that has been written on your life by society. This is why the power of Group Identity Coaching is KEY.
Rocky has designed the Group Identity Coaching Program on the framework of the Intensive Identity Mapping Model. He works with each person within an intimate setting of a maximum of six participants, providing the most personalized experience possible. He understands the sensitivity of what learning to be vulnerable is like. This is why he offers you the space to build trust with one another. As humans, we are drawn together and tend to naturally build a community through shared experiences and empathy. This helps to highlight how we are all wildly unique and extraordinary yet equally valuable to every other person on earth. You will learn to understand the people around you more clearly and effectively, but in order to do this well, we first need to understand SELF before anyone else. These pair together instinctively. There is something remarkable that happens when individuals who have a common goal, build each other up, and create a brilliant momentum. You walk away with tools and resources to implement into daily life. You deserve to BE KNOWN! Are you ready to transform your life?