Role Hormones Play in Ageing

Most myths and perceptions about hormones seem to mainly focus on teenagers or women and are often just associated with behavioral and emotional issues. However, hormone growth and development affects everyone as it is responsible for normal and healthy functioning of the human body as well as the ageing process, from controlling immunity and reproduction to regulating metabolism and growth, hormones have a major role to play in your health and well-being.

Various glands located throughout your body produce different hormones in the body. As a part of the endocrine system, one of the most important glands, also known as the “master gland” is the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain. To age with time is not an uncommon phenomenon. Some individuals start noticing prominent signs of ageing as they reach their thirties. While that is a natural process of life, some individuals start developing the signs of ageing faster than other people.

Hormones such as the progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, and growth hormone affect the way a person ages and when the balance of any one of these hormones is disturbed, it takes a serious toll on one’s complete holistic health, which is often mistaken as early signs of ageing such as:

  • Decreased immunity
  • A loss in energy levels
  • Depression
  • Significant weight gain (specially around the mid-section)
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Hair loss
  • Poor sleep quality and restless sleep
  • Muscle loss and reduced bone density * Insulin resistance
  • Reduced cognitive function


DHEA hormone is produced by the adrenal glands and plays a crucial role in the development of sex hormones – estrogen and testosterone. Towards the late twenties, DHEA begins to gradually decline, which leads to ageing.

Testosterone is primarily associated with men, but serves functions in both the genders. In men, testosterone affects the voice during puberty, facial hair growth, body hair, sex drive and sperm production. While in women, it plays a major role in their sex drive, moods, weight, and energy levels. As testosterone declines with age, it impacts sexual stamina and weight in both men and women.

Estrogen collectively refers to three hormones – estriol, estradiol, and estrone. Just like testosterone, it also affects both men and women. However, it plays a greater role in the ageing process in women. Estrogen stimulates growth and development of sexual characteristics and many other functions in the female body, such as protecting women from heart diseases and colon cancer. In men, estrogen facilitates physical changes, specially during puberty, and also helps to protect the brain and bones.


Progesterone is vital for regulating the sleep cycle, boosting immunity, and brain function in men as well as women. In women, it is an essential hormone for their reproductive system, most women experience fluctuations of this hormone throughout their life cycles. An imbalance of progesterone leads to symptoms classically associated with aging.

Growth Hormone

The growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland and is crucial for development and maintenance of organs and tissues. In adults, the deficiency of the growth hormones leads to symptoms similar to ageing, which are so subtly ignored without understanding their underlying causes. Without proper diagnoses and treatment these symptoms become progressively worse when the pituitary gland continues to produce inadequate quantities of growth hormones.

To attain the utmost benefits of this miraculous therapy, it is very essential to have a blood test done to access the level of growth hormones in your body and get a proper medical diagnosis. Upon diagnosis, by completing the prescribed cycle of the HGH therapy to replace the growth hormone that your endocrine system is no more producing adequately.

With changing times, medical science is making breakthrough discoveries to help us not just fight illnesses, but improves the quality of life that we lead.

Hormone Therapy

While earlier the signs of hormone deficiency would have been easily ignored or dismissed, now help is more easily accessible. Adults no longer have to go without treatment and suffer because they don’t have an access to hormone replacement therapy experts. A specialized medical professional can help you determine whether hormone therapy will treat or reverse your hormone imbalance. Medial tests followed by proper consultation will ensure you get quality treatment you need to live a better quality of life.


  • I'm a writer; illustrator, columnist and an editorial fellow in Crazy Media Marketing. My previous work includes roles in digital journalism and content writer. I did graduation in Journalism. For my Post graduate thesis, I researched on Communicative Science and Disorder. With my sole insights into how people think and motivation, I help client to develop and strengthen their brand. I'm excited to join Thrive in its vision to accelerate the society budge.