Ruben Rama-Tag-Rag
From Trinidad or where
Lugged a mattress no, two
Off the truck up the stairwell
Serta Beauty Rest Magic Foam
Ruben Rama-Tag-Rag
Did not understand how he got here
From where or why could not even try
He was carrying air but air was heavy
Bending his thin frame which came from where
He only knew he must awake
When the sun blinked and work
Till it sunk he was not paid
And wondered why he worked for his father
Who bought the truck and he had debts to pay
so his father said
Ruben Rama-Tag-Rag
Was born in Trinidad came to America at one
He was not a citizen did not know why
Was told he should have a Social Security Card
But this was hard so he must lug mattresses
for his Dad from Trinidad
And where was his Mom
Somewhere in Pennsylvania he said
And his sisters spread around
He did not know where
He did not know why
just spread around
One sister Rabia was her name
Had died and was underground
Buried under a Juniper Tree he said
She had turned into a leaf
The leaf into a crow
The crow cawed outside his pane
Every morn and he blinked with the sun
And was reborn to lug mattresses
To tired folk who must sleep well
On Serta Beauty Rest Magic Foam