Our attitude towards animals is determined by a pragmatism that is perceived to be on a collision course with considerations of humanity and ethics. Rather than having a clear sense of direction, the world we have created is a mixture of positive developments and negative tendencies that definitely need some looking into. Here, Russell Jack from Southland, New Zealand, shares ways how we can protect the animals and show our respect to the animal world.
Animals are everything. After all, without animals, our world would be completely null and empty. Sometimes in our fast-paced, modern lives, we forget that. We must remember that and treat animals with the love, respect, and kindness that they deserve.
There are many ways you can treat animals with the dignity that they deserve. From getting involved with habitat protections to anti-cruelty programs and learning and educating others about hunting and veganism, there are a lot of ways to get involved.
Even if you have just a few hours a month to give, it will go a long way. You can volunteer at your local humane society, animal shelter, or with bigger organizations with goals of protecting animal populations and habitats.
If you haven’t volunteered before, it will likely be tough to get motivated. Try letting the satisfaction behind making the world a better place be your driving force to get you started. It gets easier and easier to continue volunteering once you take the first step.
What greater way to show love and respect towards animals than to stop consuming them? Our society loves and protects their household pets like cats and dogs but will slaughter other innocent animals like cows and pigs for the benefit of feeding themselves or using these animal parts inside of household products.
Most people not only believe that vegetarian and vegan food options will taste gross, but they also believe that it is impossible to get enough protein. This simply isn’t true. There are so many vegetarian and vegan food options that contain just as much protein as meat, and often even more.
If you don’t have time to volunteer, there are plenty of other ways to give back. For example, donating to one of the many organizations on the ground making strides to protect animals. You can donate one-time or monthly, depending on your financial situation. Donating towards your local animal shelter is something overlooked by many. You can have a serious influence on your community by taking this step. If you choose to give to a major charitable organization, our top pick is the Humane Society. They have achieved so much for animals. This is included but not limited to shutting down puppy mills, strengthening animal rights laws, and providing direct protection to animals in need through their rehabilitation centers, wildlife support units, and Animal Rescue Team.
Whether you decide to stop hunting, to volunteer, or to go vegetarian, you are doing your part to protect the humanity of our animal friends.