When it comes to makeup and beauty, women spend a lot of time in acing their perfect look. To get the desired look of their choice, the makeup artists come in the picture who can help them in getting the best look. With the advancement of social media, the makeup artists have expanded their skills and have become successful beauty bloggers. Sadaf Torabi is an apt example who is one of the renowned makeup creators of Iran. Honouring her work, Sadaf has always given a new meaning to beauty with her experimental looks. An ultimate guide to all the beauty lovers, she has learnt the art of makeup through tutorial videos and has done a special course in makeup from Dubai.

The makeup artist has been in the industry since 2015 and has built a strong fanbase on Instagram. Her Instagram family comprises of 1.4 million followers and counting while the beauty blogger is busy building her YouTube channel. Through her endless struggles and perseverance, Sadaf has changed the scenario of makeup and beauty in Iran. When asked how she influences people’s lives, she said, “It is very simple. Choose the right products and offer the right services to your clients by not only making their face but even their life extremely beautiful. Making people’s lives better, I believe that I am doing extremely well in my profession.”

She says Putting makeup can increase your confidence. All the scars on your face can be hide, then your face curves appears more real and perfect. The makeup is not only hides you scars or black patches on your face’s skin, but also act as a protector from stopping dusts to reach your actual skin. It is consider a true self-confidence booster and many well-known freelance makeup artist mean it.

Following the footsteps of her inspiration, Iluvsarahii, Sadaf on several occasions has left all of us impressed with her work. The beauty blogger believes that applying makeup is not hiding the real beauty but it is an extension to the real beauty. Makeup has been a part of everyday life and is used to present yourself to the society in a more confident and manner able way. So it has become an essential element of everyday routine. Wearing makeup is a way with which you can appreciate yourself.

Her timely tips and beauty hacks have helped most of her followers in getting different looks of their choice. When asked about her future plans, Sadaf said, “I want girls and the women of all age groups to learn beauty and skincare tips. I am hopeful that through my work, I can transform their look and give them a look they always dreamt of.” Moreover, she further stated that she wants to remain independent and inspire other women to actively work towards the betterment of society.