According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the gradual lifting of restrictions due to Covid-19 must go hand in hand with a series of strategies such as the Sanitation Checklist App and much more, that allow the maintenance of prevention and control measures. The gradual lifting of some preventive measures applied in several countries due to the coronavirus pandemic implies that new actions are taken to prevent further infections during the gradual return of people to their respective places of work, among other activities.
Employers, managers, workers, contractors, customers, and visitors must adhere to universal security measures to prevent the spread of the virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized that this decision must go hand in hand with a series of strategies that allow maintaining “prevention and control measures.”
Hand hygiene
Hand-washing with soap and water or the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be done before starting work, before eating, during the work shift, after contact with co-workers or clients, after going to the bathroom, after contact with potentially contaminated objects and immediately after removing gloves and other protective equipment.
Hand hygiene stations should be located in close proximity to workstations and accessible to all staff, contractors, clients and visitors, along with communication materials and facilities maintenance to promote hand hygiene.
Respiratory hygiene
Make sure medical face masks and tissues are available in the workplace for those who develop a runny nose or cough. In addition, there should be containers with lids for hygienic disposal.
Develop a policy on wearing a mask or face covering in accordance with national or local guidance. If a worker is sick, he should not go to work. If someone is feeling unwell while at work, please provide a medical mask so they can get home safely.
Physical distancing
Take measures to maintain a distance of at least one meter between people and avoid direct physical contact such as hugging or shaking hands.
Reduce the density of people in the building, where they cannot be more than one for every 10 square meters, at a distance of at least one meter, including workstations, entrances, exits, elevators, dining rooms, and stairs.
Minimize the need for physical meetings, instead employ teleconferencing facilities. Stagger work hours to reduce employee crowding.
Reduce and manage business trips
Cancel or postpone non-essential travel to areas with community transmission of Covid-19. Provide hand sanitizer to workers who must travel and advise who to contact if they feel ill while traveling.
Periodic environmental cleaning and disinfection
Sanitizing solutions should always be prepared and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, without mixing different chemicals. In indoor workplaces, the routine application of disinfectants to environmental surfaces by spraying or misting is not recommended as it is ineffective in removing contaminants outside of direct spray areas and may cause skin or respiratory irritation. Spraying people with disinfectants is not recommended under any circumstances.