Do you feel raw? Your feelings could be related to the May 18, 2019 Full Moon in Scorpio.

This lunation has the power to release, cleanse, and transform your life.


Because Scorpio’s ruler is Pluto.

Pluto presides over death, rebirth, and transformation. Think of the legendary phoenix, one of the many symbols for Pluto. This mystical creature rises from the ashes of destruction to be born anew (read more in Chapter 8).


Because Scorpio is a Water Sign.

If life floods you with a tsunami-like wave that asks you to remove your bulky attire, pierce your brittle mask, and peel off your thick armour,

Do It. Release.

Water does not resist. It flows around obstacles and plunges you into the depths until all you feel is moist caresses.

Water is not solid. It does not stop you; it carries you, and keeps you afloat (or pulls you under, if you fight against the wild currents).

This Full Moon, shed the heaviness you carry, and bury it deep underground. You no longer need it. You no longer need to block yourself. You are being summoned to rise, like a phoenix. To embody the truth of who you really are.

Take a long inhalation. Now a longer, slower, deeper exhalation.

Give yourself permission to revive your personal power, through your cosmic connection. This is your natural state. This is where it all happens.

This is how you become a force of nature.

Joyous Full Moon, loves.

Photo: Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash