Most people want to make an impact. But some are making a mess of things, without even knowing it. There are things that work, and those that don’t. Here are some that always do:

Focusing on Real Purpose

Anything that doesn’t serve the overall purpose should be deleted. But purpose is hard work. It demands our best. As we define it and share it, hearts and minds get inspired. There’s power in real purpose. But it’s usually hidden behind layers of stuff that doesn’t matter much—agendas, tasks, directions.

Seriously Respecting People

Some people have failed, assuming they can treat people like things or means (for their own ends). It may seem to work, as their outbursts burn in peoples’ ears, but as everyone walks away they’re left wondering what life would be like without that person in it. And everyone loses. Let’s treat people like beings. Beings who demand our best attention, whose lives and wellness are part of the emotional ecosystem in which we all reside and (hopefully) thrive. We must be as thoughtful with others as we are with a plant we’re trying to grow. Respect is the fuel for relationships. It brings trust to life through infinitely small things—caring enough, listening enough, and helping. Deep influence starts with real respect.

“Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not easy.” – Aristotle

Creating True (Emotional) Safety

Anger can kill safety in seconds. People snap and go from normal to nearly rabid, leaving a wake of broken relationships everywhere. Or blasting a mindless revenge tweet at midnight. Why? They missed the point. In those moments of stress and frustration, it was never supposed to be about them and their goal. It should always be about building something that actually lasts. The point is: now it won’t. It all starts with caring about others enough to look them in the eye and have enough self-control to handle tough issues without officially losing it. The dark days of destroying relationships in the name of “my way” are over.

“Never doubt that a small, committed group of citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Changing the World. Together

Great things are never a solo effort. They take a team. Focused and dedicated to each other. Those who skip this step miss the magic and limit themselves. They may have lofty goals, but they’ll never get there without being a team. In today’s world, Together is everything.

Not making it all about you

Those who self-obsess and need to see their name in the spotlight constantly only end up annoying. The secret to deep influence is to make everything about others. No need to take credit. Recognition comes in its time to those who deserve it. No need to put the pursuit of getting credit first.

“Real living is living for others.” – Bruce Lee

Fighting for What’s Right

Always do the right thing. It’s what matters. And it will make all the difference.

“We are no longer puppets being manipulated by outside powerful forces: we become the powerful force ourselves.” – Leo Buscaglia

By being true in our purpose, in deep respect for others, amping up emotional safety, and in partnering together, we’ll create things that matter. And we’ll always be found doing the right thing. 


  • Chris Deaver

    Influencer, Senior People Business Partner

    Influencing people with a limitless approach to empowering teams to be different together, creating the best work and making the world a better place.