At certain times in one’s life, the Universe re-directs us back to spaces once known. Those areas, memories, and sacred energies, where womanhood once journeyed to. A modern day temple for the remembrance of ancient knowledge and wisdom in the genetic psyche of humanity.
For me, such took place Monday, August 21, 2017. Heading back from the New Cairo campus of the American University in Cairo (on the 5:15pm shuttle bus to Zamalek), there was but one more place needing my attention. A friendly Facebook encounter intrigued my interest. Conversations of wanting to write about the space, established pursuit in visiting the studio; situated within an island, known as Zamalek. A neighborhood, once inhabited by the writer of this article.
Located on a street of the familiar, where nightly cafe chats and decorative arts are found, the small journey to the space consisted of direction from a group of Egyptian-Arab maidens, out on their nightly venture. Ah! The presence of Sheroes of the night. Taking time to direct another daughter of foreign soils. The gatekeeper (or whom many refer to as the “bowab’) welcomed my presence, guiding me further to the point of Mudra’s entry. Bypassing the famous Sufi Bookstore (@Sufibookstoreandmore on Facebook), my mind became a memory lane, as it was one of my past zones of comfort.
It was as if the feminine had been awaiting my return. Upon reaching the floor of primary coloring, a woman’s voice rendered echos of my name in the outer hallway of that stilled space. “Lauren?” Answering in reply, I entered as the Spirit of creativity lay before me in the presence of three Egyptian-Arab women. I would allude further to claiming them as the Spiritual maidens and caretakers of that space.
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
The smell of incense, and quiet decor of entering, reminded me that I was home. After all, how could I not feel nourishment of my own Spirit. Being in the midst of a temple, where my Soul could rest from the hectic journey, proceeding my arrival.
A small chat, and my observation of designs and set-up, assured me that I was in the right space. . .at the right time!
Having been invited to partake in one session, followed by another, served as an example of one Maiden’s care for another. I did not have any cash with me to give as a donation to the temple, but was re-assured that it was alright. A gift from them to me. There was a greater purpose necessary. Relating to my immersion and capture of the sacredness of this place. Presenting to the world that the feminine was working her magic in Cairo.
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
Entering Nadia El-Dasher’s yoga class was a lesson of women’s energy of creativity and igniting the power of healing. The triple feminine had again presented her mystique. And yes! Such delight will be reserved for another story.
Following after was a lesson on anxiety and meditation. Where the centering of woman’s energy was at play. A focus and observation as to how harmonic balance of each woman, was a balance for them all. The movement of that artistry, through the master of breath, symbolized the revival of life. A revival in what seemed to be no more. And in the midst of the Egyptian-Arab bouquet, were two foreign flowers.
A Jazzy flower from one of Black America’s perfumes, and a Rose from Spanish domains of the Flamenco!
(Photograph and edits by Lauren K. Clark)
In the presence of the space was a reminiscence of beauty and love. A love, where women come to restore their memory of before. In the comfort of other women, in search of re-birthing harmony and balance in a chaotic city. . .and world. Energies of those past and present fore-mothers are comforts of hope. Faith that their daughters could perform what they were denied.
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
A Sisterly bond for the re-awakening of WOMAN!
It was of no question as to whether healing had taken place for my own Being. The stress and weight plaguing my body needed to be released. A Spiritual purging in my efforts to re-balance my physicality. A reminder that my body was not a machine, only to be pumped and exploited for others gain. Rather, that she, the Darker Sister, is also of the feminine. Creating and producing with other flowers in the restoration of the Earth’s paradise.
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
Visiting Mudra was the highlight of my day. I had been brought back to a sacred center of feminine and masculine balance. Returning to a journey that I started years back, as a resident of the Zamalek island.
Observing sounds of the Universe and their highlighting of the space
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
Enjoying symbols and realization that the foreign was familiar
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
Delving into ancient memory
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
The significance of geometrical shape and spacing
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
Glimpses of heavenly stars within the artistry of interior decor
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
And the belief in spaces that dare to restore wholeness and humanity!
(Photograph and Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
For more information on Mudra Yoga Studio kindly go to the following:
@Mudrayogastudiozamalek on
Telephone: 01094088155
Address: 12 El Sayed El Bakry Street, off Brazil Street
Zamalek, First Floor, Apartment 4
Cairo, Egypt 12114