Life is riddled with unexpected surprises, twists and turns. Some are delightful and full of pleasant opportunities. These may hold gifts and provision from unexpected sources. These we love! However, there are also situations that seemingly contain the brick walls, heaps of rubble and desert wastelands.
How does one transform the latter into the former? With rectification of sight.
Rectification of sight is the act of training the eye, mind, will and emotions to see the good in any circumstance. It is the ability to see beyond the obvious and mine out the gold that is embedded within.
Jewish sages describe an interesting concept called kelipot or klipah. Klipah is a Hebrew word that describes an outer shell that hides something good within. Take, for instance, the skin of an orange, the husk of pineapples and coconuts or the shell of a nut like almonds, walnuts or pecans. All are an outer layer that must be peeled back, removed worked through to find the hidden goodness within.
This concept of the klipah- the tough outer shell that must be peeled back to extract the good – can also apply to the circumstances of our lives. While things look tough, rough and undesirable at first glance, if we stop, look and carefully inspect, there is some wonderful, beautiful and sweet hidden within.
If you believe that good is hidden in every circumstance, then what harm is there even in the worst of times? If everything that comes to you -despite its packaging is to benefit you – where is the harm? There is none. By reframing your response, you rip power from the hands of negativity, hurt, harm and danger and leverage it for good. How can anything truly harm you if it’s all working together for your good.
Studies have shown that choosing this response has the potential to:
- Decrease stress
- Increased energy
- Positively impact physical health
- Improve relationships
- Increase mental health
When challenging circumstances come your way, believe and know that there is something good for you there. Look for it. Search for it. Mine it like a precious diamond. Pan for it like pure gold. No matter what happens, you must know that you are being propelled into greater good.
Ask yourself:
- What happened?
- What can I learn?
- How can I use this situation to empower myself and others?
I took this very concept to heart in my own life and it changed what could have been my worst days into my best. It transformed what others would have mourned over into moments of joy and dancing. I knew that the transition I faced in that moment – and all the ones to come – were all setting me up for the best days of my life. This perspective slayed fear an opened doors of hope, optimism and joy for my future.
My challenge to you is to look closer at every circumstance of life. What it the potential hidden within it for you? How will you be refined from it. Find ways to transform obstacles and challenges into opportunities for greater good.