The world of stars and galaxies is one of fascination and mystique. Filled with wonder and enchantment, the Universal galaxies leave you in wanting more. Compels you to yearn for more. Its the invisible, which makes the wonder even greater. The fact that many of the treasures can not be seen with the naked eye is what titillates the imagination. Forcing our minds to examine the power of our imaginations. That what we imagine of the invisible could actually exist. A marriage between reality and fiction takes place! Thus, we are forced to even grapple with the possibility of reality being a watered down version of fiction.

(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)

One of the magnetic things in having an astronomy club at a University campus, is that it reminds the community about its connection to the unknown. Forcing us to surrender to the invisible world. Even when we do see traces of it, through technology’s eye, how does it compel us to delve further into matter still, undiscovered? And then, there is another discovery component to be told. What is the sacredness of tranquility and calm when we spend our night’s under these discoveries? How do these nighttimes remind us of life’s natural flow?

(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)

There is a calming aura and atmosphere when we take time to sit under the night’s stars, and simply, be. Relaxing and connecting our very bodies to the heavens and Earth. Feeling an intertwining of the two. Doesn’t it feel good to simply immerse in this life sustaining energy, after work or school? The beautiful thing about all of this is when it is brought to an educational environment. A central spacing where people are reminded of this euphoric energy. That’s the beauty of having organizations and student clubs, such as the Astronomy Club.

(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)

On one beautiful night (November 8, 2017), the Astronomy Club embarked on a nightly adventure with the Stars. Snacks and music accommodated the event. Bringing a human touch to the invisible realms. Its part of that euphoria in making the night more attractive and compatible, with human understanding. Socializing contributed to intimacies of the atmosphere, on that day. AUC President, Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr. also attended the event. It was a nurturing atmosphere in being comfortable and liberated from any stresses of the day. That’s the magic of the night! Somehow, miraculously, it seems to breeze all problems away.

(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)

Telescopes had been used for limitations of the human gaze. A super instrument to observe what’s beyond the clouds. Seeing the fruits of our imaginations. Being comforted in knowing that there is truth in fiction’s timing. On a personal level, I enjoyed being there on that night. It was a miracle! There is something about the night in Egyptian lands, where the magic of the night is presented to special Beings, daring to seek its wisdom and comfort. Sending whispers and chills in the Spirit of those wishing to be healed. Seeking a restoration of their humanity. A peace which can’t be bought or traded for status. Just a willingness in taking the first step. With that requires a dismantling of control, and a willingness to absorb. One of the beauties of such is to know that there is a greater way of thinking. A style to master and tame our fears, should we decide to be open to that world.

It was an auspicious time for the Astronomy Club, at the American University In Cairo. For, during that night, they introduced to the campus, what it means to sit in Heaven’s stillness. Challenging the tainting of dark/black matter, and presenting another interpretation. That maybe, just maybe, it is in the dark, where the treasures lay. That in Universal, dark spacing, the riches of our psyche are challenged to envision, and imagine, what we have never challenged, before.

(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)

What is fascinating about this particular work of the Astronomy Club, is how they transformed our study of astronomy. Not merely interpreting it as studies of calculations, trajectories, and memorization of information pertaining to the galaxies. What this event showcased was how humanity must immerse ourselves into the Universe in order to understand it. That even certain calculations and numerical values of the world of physics, may not truly embody the full power of movement among the stars and planets.

Outside of traditional studies of the Universe (i.e. theories, astronomical numeric figures, or observations through a telescope), there is a higher level for the human mind to ascend to. A greater level of mastery, which transcends our traditional methods of study or comprehension. One that requires the inclusion of imagination. In addition, it demands the human mind to filter and absorb. Doing this moreso, than feeling it is in control. The Universe has a way of showing us, that we never truly are. We can interconnect, align ourselves with it, but we do not have real control over it. It is this mentality, which brings peace to our lives.

(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)

The Astronomy Club’s event was a metaphor in how we are to immerse in the unknown. Bringing our humanity with us, being socially engaged with others, observing its movements, and finding comfort in its existence. A simple storytelling of astronomy, at its finest! Using the magnification device, attendees were able to partake in a viewing of the unknown. Maybe stars were identified. Perhaps, there were other wonders spotted in the Universal blanket. Nevertheless, the atmosphere was enchanting. It is the enchantment, which leads to the comprehension of knowledge. In contrary to initiating the learning process with memorizing and the solving of abstract formulas (too often presented as void of any life), why not begin the study of astronomy, through fictional eyes? A more creative way, in which knowledge should be processed.

(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)

Leaving the event was a comforting aura. In fact, it was rather soothing and soul searching. Living proof, that there can be comfort, in the dark. After all, it is where precious life’s energies are formed. Its where they begin, and where they end. Their invisibilities (or being hidden) is what makes them adventurous. Its what channels our curiosity to explore their presence in further detail. Compelling us to challenge outdated notions of what has been taught about the Universe. Putting objective and abstract thinking on pause, and giving us time to interpret Universal galaxies, in another way. One that is more humane, more understanding, in our own position to its existence. Making night’s comfort a ritual therapy, at heart.

(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)
(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)
(Photograph By Ibrahim El-Amry; Edits By Lauren Clark)
(Provided and Designed AUC Astronomy Team; Edits By Lauren Clark)