Carpe diem! It’s the Latin phrase for “seize the day,” meaning make the most of the present time. A powerful, inspiring phrase, it has lasted through time as an idea and perspective that can help us live more fully. 

I believe that this is a crucial concept, especially in the current times when the typical busyness of our lives has slowed to a crawl, if not a standstill. 

However, I have had to modify this phrase for myself because trying to seize even a day is too much for me. My mind moves so quickly, constantly processing information and looking ahead, that in one day, I still miss many moments, whether I’m working or spending time with family. 

As a motivated, hard-working person who always tries to be on point, I find that it’s easy to always be preparing mentally for what may come in a day and not actually enjoy what is currently happening. 

An interesting article about time and quantum physics introduced me to the concept that time is not as exact as we think, and reality is actually perceived when we stop to focus in a moment. 

Have you had experiences that seemed to last a long time but in reality, or according to other people, were only a few seconds? It seems unreal yet real simultaneously. Our minds determine our perception of reality.

This intrigued me and made so much sense because I have found that when I consciously focus on the exact moment I’m in and take it in to the fullest extent, that is my reality. My senses are alive, and I feel like I’m experiencing the fullness of life. 

One fraction of time can become endless when I am fully present in that time.

If I can experience this once, then I can experience it again. What would happen if I learned to think and live like this on a daily basis? Wouldn’t life become much richer and more meaningful?

Instead of seizing the day, I can seize the micro-moment so that it becomes my day. 

This doesn’t have to conflict with the practicality of planning ahead for life’s necessities—like work projects or groceries—but it offers a different perspective and approach when doing those things. 

Now, do I walk around in some kind of euphoric bliss with this? I wish! Nope. I still get angry, anxious, and disappointed because that’s life, and I have feelings. 

But when I slow down in the midst of those feelings, I can look at what’s happening and get a better perspective. 

Maybe it’s about not condemning myself for a perceived failure. Maybe it’s about fully condemning someone else for mistreating me and then moving on instead of carrying bitterness inside of me all day. 

Either way, no matter what I’m going through, slowing down mentally instead of racing ahead and pushing things aside has a major impact on my ability to live and enjoy my life.

Focusing on one small moment at a time can change the big picture!