Make some time for yourself
Welcome to the self-care challenge. Your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to do something for yourself every day for the next five days. Take part in our challenge and win a self-care package. We’re giving away a prize every month.
One of the key things I’ve learned in my quest for Happiness is how to love myself. When I was single and I wanted a relationship, people used to say, “It will happen when you’re not looking for if it” and “you have to learn to love yourself first”. I thought to myself if one more person says that to me, I’m going to knock them out. But of course, they were right. Once the penny dropped, my next question was how do I learn to love myself?
In this post I share some ways you can take part in the self-care challenge.
Eating healthy food
Cooking delicious, healthy food is great way to nourish yourself and your body. There are some fabulous recipes on my friend Natasha’s website Even better join Natasha and Katrina’s Happy People Solutions programme, that combines healthy eating with a positive mindset. You can attend the first session for free.
Spending time alone
Although I often balk at the idea of spending time alone, once I’ve overcome the initial shock it is actually very therapeutic. It’s a great opportunity to cuddle my cats, read a book, meditate or have a bath. I’m lucky that Mr Sexy Pants goes out a couple of times a week to play snooker or volunteer as a Scout leader. If he doesn’t have anything on, he’s more than happy to accommodate me by going down the pub so I can have some me time
Going out in nature
I love being in nature. It’s a good idea to go for a walk in the countryside or by the sea every weekend. I also go for a walk in the park in my lunch break sometimes.
Date with yourself
I love treating myself to coffee or lunch alone. I find it relaxing to go to Applaud coffee shop in my lunch break. Weather depending, I sit in their beautiful garden with a lovely cup of tea or coffee and some lunch. By the end of my lunchbreak I feel completely refreshed and ready to go back to work.
Pamper yourself
Book yourself a massage, healing or tapping session. My friend Val Chater is currently offering an introductory self-care tapping session for just £15. You can have a session in person or via Skype.
I aim to chant or meditate everyday if possible, although I don’t always manage it. It’s a great way to connect with the Divine and gain clarity and peace of mind.
As I mentioned in my blog on affirmations. My favourite affirmations for self-care are I love and approve of myself and I am Enough. You can download Marissa Peer’s I Am Enough wallpaper and screensaver for your phone. Look in the mirror, look into your eyes and say “I love you”.
Treat yourself like a lover
How would you like a lover to treat you? Treat yourself how you would treat a lover or how you would like to be treated by a lover. Buy yourself some flowers or a gift. Wear some nice lingerie. Cook yourself a candlelight dinner.
Have a bath
This is probably my favourite thing to do, especially after work on a cold evening. I run myself a deep, hot bath and add some Epsom salts and essential oils. I light some candles and meditate in the bath, while listening to my meditation play list from Spotify.
Do you feel inspired by these ideas? What do you do to practice self-care? Which of these things mentioned will you try out? Let me know in the comments.
Join the Self-care challenge and you could win a self-care package
Do something for yourself every day for the next five days. Let us know on one of our social media channels. Use hashtag #selfcarechallenge. Nominate (tag) a friend or friends who would benefit from having a little self-care in their lives.
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This blog post was originally published on