A big part of self-love is self care. Taking care of yourself is loving yourself. If you’re not taking care of yourself then you are neglecting yourself. The first thing that needs to be on your to do list is you. Make self care a part of your everyday routine.

Do you ever make time for yourself to do absolutely nothing? There’s something so peaceful in just sitting quietly with yourself and just being. It’s almost like you’re having an intimate moment with the Universe. Be one with the Universe and surrender. Don’t rush the process. Any feelings that come up, just let it be. Give yourself some time and after you will feel more refreshed and energized.

Self care is not a luxury. It is a necessity. What about your own beauty routine? Do you have a nightly skin routine that you do? Do you have a particular routine when putting on makeup? Taking care of your appearance is showing yourself self-love. It shows how much you love and care for yourself as well as how much you respect yourself. Start taking care of number one-YOU!!!

I love music for many different reasons. Music can be very soothing and therapeutic. It can also be very fun and playful. I know for myself that I love listening to the beat and melody when it comes to dancing. I also pay attention to the lyrics. When I’m going through a difficult time, music…the melody, the beat, the lyrics tells a story. I can relate to a song’s message. There is something comforting in knowing that someone else has gone through something similar and turning their pain into music is beauty in itself. On the flip side, music that is upbeat can be both cheerful and playful and a great way to start your day.

If you have a big enough space, create an altar for yourself. You can decorate it with scented candles, sage and crystals. I have a small area where I put my candles and crystals. I also have a small table space where I put my small water fountain and zen sandbox. The sound of the water makes me feel like I’m in nature and raking the sand is very calming and soothing.

Be creative. Let your artistic self come out. What artistic gifts do you have? What do you like to create? You have at least one even if you don’t think you do. Whether it’s photography, drawing or painting, create and showcase your work. Use your creative side and decorate your home with your art.

Much similar to a vision board, create a dream journal. Get a fresh journal and create it however way you want. Write down your dreams, goals, add pictures and quotes. This is for you so put anything and everything in it that comes to mind. Make this a reflection of you. Write down all your thoughts as well. Don’t edit your journal. Enjoy this safe space that is all yours. It is dedicated to you. Allow yourself to just put whatever without it being perfect. There’s magic in putting your thoughts and goals onto paper. When you’re writing, don’t worry about editing. There’s beauty in being real and imperfect.

Take some dedicated ME TIME. Block out time for yourself and schedule it in. It’s critical for your mental health as well. I am a big advocate when it comes to taking care of yourself. It is just as important that we take care of our mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing along with the physical. When you make yourself a priority and you take care of yourself, you bring out the best version of who you are and set the example for others to do the same.