Confidence is something that we don’t really think much about, until we notice a lack of it, when it’s not there, when it got up and left us-just when we needed it the most!
Many of my clients feel like they have zero or little confidence. Everyone has confidence but sometimes that confidence seems selective and only appears in certain segments of life.
I have seen clients who are successful in business yet totally lacking in confidence when it comes to relationship areas. I have seen amazingly confident mums really struggling with confidence in the workplace and super confident footballers who’ve lost their confidence temporarily because of a knock-back on the pitch.
Confidence can be like a fleeting super-power that is present one minute and then out the door the next! If you master the art of stepping into your own magnificence and growing your own confidence in a truly authentic way, with some hard work, you can achieve anything!
The first step in confidence building is understanding what confidence looks like to you. How do you know that you’ve got it? What do you look like when you’ve got it? How does it truly feel? What are you saying to yourself in those moments of true confidence?
This is the unconscious stuff, the stuff that you are not aware of. So, here is the thing my love, when you become aware of everything that you see, hear, smell, taste, touch and feel when you are in that moment of confidence, you can ‘model it’. This means reaching into all of those thoughts and grabbing them back out into the forefront of your conscious mind and recreating them, this will generate the feelings and thoughts that are present when you are confident – ‘fake it til you make it’! Ta-dah! Awesome right?! I teach this in detail in my 1-2-1 coaching and my workshops.
Confidence is something that we are all born with but somehow we lose bits of it along the way, especially if we have any kind of trauma or upset in childhood. Reconnecting to this childlike confidence brings joy and success so we need to commit to working on our inner confidence.
Visualise your goals so that when the winds of life come to challenge you, you are able to stay rooted down to the ground with your trunk strong and your leaves in full bloom!
Love and light,