If people think very well about us, think very well and positive, but if we don’t think well about ourselves, then nothing can happen. And the other way. If people around us don’t think very well, Don’t speak very well, but by knowing our true identity we know our true value. So it also cannot affect us. Both ways it’s not going to work.
If we know your value. And then if no one treats us like that, nobody spoke about us as our value.

So what do I need to do? And what do I need to be? This is self-respect. Till Self Respect, until then we cannot come to respect. Self Respect Means I Respect Self. I know who I am, the original, which is my whole rite, do I know them? As long as I do not know what I am, I do not respect him/her. So some other people respond to me. And I do respect others.  Both of these things will not happen. So till there is self-respect, respect can not happen. It has to begin with self-respect and self-respect has to begin with self.

So when we have self-realization, that I may be self-fulfilling, I am self-sufficient, Everything I wanted already I have what I was looking for in the world. So it becomes easy to respect me.

Let’s make a list. Which things, which conversations, which behaviors I feel disrespectful. And by which conversation, I have created thoughts I have been disrespected by so and so.

How long do you think the list will go?

So how many things will get the list of respect? Why is this happening now, If we remove the self word from the self-respect, it becomes respect? Right now, I want this respect. So this emptiness comes, this void is created, Because I have removed the self word. I just said respect, This vacuum will be created by who will fill this vacuum. The desires, the expectations from outside, When they become like that then I will get respect. This became my programming. If we remember the word ‘self-respect’ as it is, means it’s all about self-respect. And self-respect depends on kindness, compassion, generosity, which means the original qualities of the soul. And that is the original quality of the soul is in every soul. So one soul remembers its originality and the other is its acquired sacrament. They will work on it. If they remember that in which things their self-respect is, it is in their values and qualities. But the self word was removed from that word. And only the respect word remains, then there remains only vacuum and from where respect will come. When there was a self-respect word, it was known that the respect was coming to be from where, from your values to yourself, to yourself for your original rites.

But for what thing you will get respect?

According to today’s world

The Age: the experience they acquired, the knowledge they acquired, the position they acquired, Meaning, they did something like this, for that you will definitely call them respectful. But for what thing you will get respect? values, kindness, compassion generosity, purity, divinity, the original rites. Now from self-respect self word is removed, I said respect, now the vacuum is created, So by which things this vacuum was to be filled up. The desires, the expectations from outside, So now I felt that the respect from not myself, but I’m going to get respect from outside. It becomes a never-ending process. See the never-ending process that we got into just because we thought we have to get respect from outside. Now that respect started getting dependant on external factors. What we acquired and the behavior of people with us. Now the behavior of the people and acquired factors will not always be the same. Today, for the position we get respect from the people, it is today, it will go tomorrow.

The external factors which were not constant, the behavior of people was not constant, then that my respect vacuum I was to fill that is also was not constant, so very often, we found ourselves, asking for respect, demanding respect, doing something so that we get respect. And sometimes also feeling disrespected.

Also read more about Self Defence Technique.