“Serenity”. I felt the energy of the word calling to me from the large pale pink canvas that it was painted on. I saw it and thought, ‘now that is another fabulous art work for one of my walls’ and I just had to buy it. After all I wanted to feel serene and I wanted serenity. Peace, calm tranquility! I wanted a bit of that.  I had just had a year of challenges and I wanted serenity. I wanted proof that I had Serenity like a certificate on my wall.

What was unexpected was the actual chaos and the rollercoaster ride that I experienced for the following year. Where was my serenity? 

Then I realised, what was my intention when I saw and purchased my gorgeous work of art “Serenity”? I had asked for Serenity. The universe heard my call and sent me a bowling ball to remove all things in my life to make it more serene. Woah. So yes a year of the opposite of Serenity to arrive at destination Serenity? 

Ahh I get it. Serenity is not a destination. It can be part of my day every day. I can choose to feel serenity. I can tap into the stillness, calmness and find it. Some days are easier than others to find Serenity and some moments she surprises me and I feel calm and still in her orbit. 

Serenity has taught me so much! Thank you friend I look forward to spending time again with you soon!


  • I believe in the power of stories. I lead a creative team that leads the shaping and delivery of creative strategy, communications and marketing campaigns to enable people to understand the vision and benefits of the urban regeneration. Our storytelling includes art, brand, marketing, design, writing, blogging, podcasting, photography, videography and all online (social media, websites) and offline channels. My passion project GiantSisters.com is a platform for women that serves as a hub for women's voices and stories in blogs and podcasts.