Series - Episode 3 Raising Awareness among Women; Pass the baton on to Aspiring Entrepreneurs!

Inspired by the response to my article, 2018 Challenges for Women Entrepreneurs and How to Overcome Them, I initiated this series called How to grow as an entrepreneur?

To read the previous interview click Episode 1 and Episode 2

Around the world, women entrepreneurs face major challenges, but many, inspire us to establish the Golden Era of Women Entrepreneurship. My interviews with these women leaders are truly amazing moments as they “Pass the Baton” on to aspiring entrepreneurs.

This entrepreneur series is like a mentoring episode for women across the world. An inspirational relationship based on trust and mutual respect which benefits anyone reading and reflecting on the amazing journey each of these women has been on.

“We need mentors because we need support to stand in our power. Mentors provide a mirror for our strengths and offer guidance toward creating the future we want,” said Carin Rockind.

Most countries today recognize the critical role of entrepreneurship for economic development, employment creation, and sustainability; unfortunately, women entrepreneurs have little access to funding for mentorship to grow. My objective is to challenge to take up the baton and offer guidance & share entrepreneurs experiences through these episodes enable the series to act as a sounding board. Yes, each successful women had the same challenges you face now!

The question is “Are you ready to take the baton up?”

Today I interview Katja Matosevic CEO & Co-founder at Geo Target/Geo-marketing

Katja moved to Italy in 2009 and started from the scratch. She worked for some years as an assocaite for a company and then in 2014 due to fibromyalgia, she had to reinvent herself. When she gained her strength back she started her own company. During that process, she adapted Yoga to take care of her health. So she loves yoga, meditation and is serious about healthy eating. She is working on another project that is in the process and due to launch in a few months.

She loves Neuroscience (related to human behavior that uses that in retail too) with an holistic approach.

All that is at the base of human behavior is of her interest. She loves working with numbers and statistics and says that the whole approach integrated with ‘behind the scenes’ is what makes the difference in retail.

  1. Thank Katja for taking the time to be a part of this entrepreneur series

A couple of questions on your journey to inspire women to take the baton! To raise awareness among women enabling them to take the entrepreneur baton in their hands

1. Do you agree the baton needs to be passed on and why?

Absolutely! This is a great opportunity to show that becoming an entrepreneur at any stage of your life is not only possible but moreover is a new exciting and rewarding journey! Entrepreneurship has no gender. It’s not an easy decision to leave a job and a secure income to become an entrepreneur. The questions that arise provide us with opportunities through the entire experience; Do I have the skills to place myself in a competitive market? Will I succeed? What If I don’t? You turn around and you see a vast parterre of men entrepreneurs. And here is where a woman feels alone, left with all the questions. This where we must be reminded that we are equal. The goal is to improve strategic planning, build finance policies and procedures, explore viable ways to finance your business each business cycle by strengthening capacity and reducing costs.

2. Tell us about your entrepreneurial pathway? What helped you the most to kickstart the journey?

Due to health problems, I had a hard time to keep up with a regular job so I started my own. I was always a proactive person with a clear vision of not “how” but “why” I wanted this kind of change. Health issues were just a first glimpse of light but the real kickstart was when I was able to find my “why”?

I wanted to challenge myself, to put into action my vision, to gain financial freedom along with the freedom to manage my time.

It doesn’t mean that I work less. At first, you’ll work more than you ever did before but on your own terms and the passion you put in will replace all the hard work.

The kickstart is an inner mindset change. From inside out.

3. What’s your advice to aspiring entrepreneurs on not missing out on promising opportunities?

Know your worth. You’re more than you think. You have more strength that you can imagine.

If you have an idea, go for it. Don’t ever be scared to get out of your comfort zone. That where the miracle happens. You make them happen by acknowledging the power that resides in you. Learn from every step you take, evolve, grow and start. Just start. Do not wait for that perfect moment – there’s no such moment in life. Start with what you have and are and make changes along the way. Be open and flexible.

4. How do you acknowledge and manage your barriers or obstacles? As an entrepreneur are you the type of person that takes the risk? How do we tackle these risks?

I look at obstacles and barriers not as my enemy or a source of stress and trouble but as opportunities to learn and evolve. I am for grateful for the obstacles as they grow both personally and business related. When a problem occurs it’s a wonderful indicator that something is ready to change for better.

Regarding taking risks I firmly believe every opportunity hides some level of risks and subsequently, every risk hides an opportunity. I am prepared for both. There are many ways to manage risks efficiently. Be aware of it. Do your “homework” well, learn about your potential market, your competitors, be informed and never stop learning and listening.

5. One thing I’ve always noticed about entrepreneurs or self-employed people I’ve interacted with is confidence, what’s your golden advice?

Doubt is part of every human being. We all deal with doubt. Even the most successful entrepreneurs.

Does it stop them? No. So Acknowledge it. Accept it. Move on. Don’t let it rule you. You are in charge always.

When you lack confidence remember all the great things you’ve already achieved in your life! There’s an interesting technique you can use called: ” Act as if “. Act as if you already have the confidence you’re aiming to have. It’s a very powerful role play that puts you right on the track. It’s all about what we believe in. You can choose what to believe.

As Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” Choose your beliefs wisely.

6. Who are the most influential women in your life?

It’s a very close friend of mine struggling with an invalidating disease. Her courage is a never-ending source of inspiration for me. She never gave up. She taught me to live in the present. Not to carry “yesterday” with me and not to be obsessed with “tomorrow”. All we have is now. And this is where all the actions have to be summed. Moment by moment. It’s a wonderful lesson for all areas in our lives.

7. Last question here, please tell me one book/movie that changed the way you looked at things in life with your favourite quote.

When I was only 16 I read the biography of Muhammad Ali. It was so inspiring. I’ve read 600 pages in one single night.

One of the best quotes ever that I cherish and remember daily: “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men, who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”

“Have a clear vision of where you’re headed, but be prepared that it might unfold in an unexpected way. If this happens, find the opportunities, and adapt to your new reality.” – Mary Fisher, CEO, Colorescience

Thank you, Katja for being you. Please continue to Empower and Inspire Women Worldwide.

About me

I am a brand ambassador for beBee Inc, an ardent reader, a Purpose-Driven Career Strategist and HR.

My passion is to help create a purpose-driven world around me. I encourage women worldwide to recognize and embrace their true potential as entrepreneurs and believe in themselves.

Originally published at