Restaurants are a notoriously stressful place to work — even if you’re the boss. Sheldon “Shelly” Fireman knows that pressure well — he owns and operates eight restaurants in New York City and Washington, D.C., including Redeye Grill, Brooklyn Diner, and Fiorella Pizzeria & Italian Kitchen. With over 50 years in the industry, Fireman has found a way to keep the stress at bay. His motto: Self-care is just as important as business growth.  

Here, Fireman shares his morning routine — which involves high-intensity workouts and reading — and why having hobbies will help you be a better business leader.

Thrive Global: What time do you wake up?

Sheldon “Shelly” Fireman: It depends on what time I have my trainer coming. It’s usually 45 minutes before the trainer, but I don’t have a specific time.

TG: How do you wake up — with an alarm, or naturally?

SF: If I have to work out with my trainer, I set the alarm. Otherwise I don’t use an alarm. It’s great not to use one when I can avoid it.

TG: What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

SF: I say “God Bless — I woke up! It’s great to be alive!”

TG: Take us through your morning — step by step.

SF: If I have my trainer that morning, the first thing I do is brush my teeth. Then I wash my face, comb my hair, and try to get on the treadmill to warm up before he comes. Then I glance at two or three newspapers, by which time he’s already come up. I work out HARD. Then as soon as he goes home, I sit down and really look at and read all the newspapers and magazines that I am subscribed to. After that, breakfast is served.

TG: Breakfast?

SF: I normally eat vegetable soup, or some yogurt and blueberries with cereal. Also, I have a half an espresso with Manuka honey from Australia.

TG: Workout?

SF: My workout is a combination that includes high-intensity interval conditioning, working out with the TRX system, rowing machine, weight training, boxing, push-ups… and a lot more.  

TG: Anything special you do that is part of your routine?

SF: Yes, picking out my clothes of the day. I have a large assortment in my wardrobe and have to take some time selecting the pieces to compose my outfit. It’s a big pain in the neck. Then when I’m dressed, I head to the office.

TG: How do you set yourself up to thrive for the day?

SF: With regards to thriving in general, I feel good and work out five, six, even seven days a week. When I do that, I’m thriving. All my businesses are positive, and we have lots of ideas to thrive on, and we’re always improving ourselves. I’ve got wonderful people, so I don’t have to get myself crazy about too many things. I have a Schwinn bicycle at my office. I have a terrific executive assistant, and I have a terrific staff of people who work for me. I have beautiful homes in Lincoln Center, Tuscany, and in Westchester County on the lake with fish and boats, where I go shoot sporting clays on weekends. I have terrific friends that I’ve had since high school. What else could I want in life? I have to admit that I’ve really reached the point that I’m spoiled. And when I know I’m spoiled, I know I’m blessed. I am so blessed by everything and everyone that I have around me. And that is how I am thriving in life.

TG: What sets you back that you avoid?

SF: I try not to take or make any phone calls before I leave the house in the morning.

TG: How do you organize your day? How do you prioritize your to-do list?

SF: Not perfectly. There’s always a curveball, and I swing at it even when I shouldn’t swing at it. It’s never perfect. I have one particular Pain in the Neck (my Chief of Staff), who’s terrific and keeps me on track with my priorities. I get so many ideas in my head throughout the day that I can easily get off-track with things. So thank God I have her.

TG: What is your relationship with technology?

SF: Positive. I love learning new things and new capabilities. I have the latest technology incorporated in all my workouts and exercise machines. I use my phone for timing my transcendental meditations twice a day. I FaceTime and Skype with my terrific staff when I’m traveling in Italy doing research. However, I never let it take over my life. Human-to-human interactions and experiences always win out. The technology I use is about augmenting that humanness of interacting and communicating, not replacing it.

TG: How does it impact your day? Do you take tech breaks?

SF: I absolutely take tech breaks. I’ll lock my phone in a drawer and go exercise on my bicycle in the office, go have lunch, go talk to people, and maybe make a few jokes if they come to my head… etc. 

TG: Bedtime: What do you do to unwind?

SF: I go back on my bicycle at home and meditate. If I was out with friends, when I come home I’ll put my feet up and watch a stupid television program. Sometimes I’ll get a massage to unwind too. But the best thing in the world to do to relax is to go to a bookstore, buy books, take them home, and read them.

TG: Walk us through your evening routine.

SF: My evening routine is getting out of the office once I feel that I accomplished something over the course of the day. While knowing that there is always more to do, it will never all get done, but there’s always tomorrow. Then I go home. 

TG: How do you get ready for bed? 

SF: I brush my teeth, usually put on pajamas, and grab a book that I read for 20 minutes in bed. I don’t ever prepare my morning clothes or my office clothes in the evening. It’s like an adventure going into my closet each morning.

TG: Is tech a big part of your evening?

SF: It doesn’t play any part in my evening. I’ll sometimes even leave my phone in the car when I go out to eat, and that will be the most pleasant part of my day.

TG: How do you set yourself up for a good night’s rest?

SF: I have an infrared sauna which I try to use every evening. It’s almost like a workout. I do that, and I read.


  • Lindsey Benoit O'Connell

    Deputy Editor, Entertainment + Partnerships at Thrive

    Lindsey Benoit O'Connell is Thrive's Deputy Editor, Entertainment + Partnerships. Prior to working at Thrive, she was the Entertainment + Special Projects Director for Good Housekeeping, Women's Health, Cosmopolitan, Redbook and Woman's Day booking the talent for covers and inside features. O'Connell currently lives in Astoria, NY with her husband Brian and adorable son, Hunter Fitz.