When you feel trapped, or worse, a slave to time and demands, give yourself this emergency vacation. No matter what is pressing on you, you can afford to take three minutes to save your life. The emergency vacation is a short, deep, visualisation meditation. Most likely, after this time, you productivity will go up as you can be re-energized from this vacation.
Read these instructions giving yourself time with each step to see and feel the images. The exercise can be done with eyes open or closed. Take this emergency vacation as often as you like. Each one will be unique… and eventually, you can use the power of your mind to travel to other destinations of peace and joy.
The Take-Off:
Vacation begins with imaginary travel to your destination. Sit with a straight back, comfortably supported by a soft lift in your abdomen. Allow your abdomen to expand and contract with three natural breaths as you focus on the space behind your eyes.
The Destination:
After these three breaths, land in a tropical garden, where large, lush, green leaves shade you from a radiant hot sun. See flowers in brilliant colors all around you. Hear colorful birds singing rhythmic melodies. Taste the sweet morning air on your tongue. Feel the sunshine’s warmth on your face. Remain here for six breaths.
The Oversized Drink:
Drink yourself full of this endless peace. Let it fill your head, ears, throat, chest, arms, torso, hips, legs, and feet. Then, wiggle your toes in the sand.
The Return:
Stretch your feet and move your ankles. Shake your legs. Take a little swivel with your hips. Stretch and round your back. Circle your shoulders and stretch out your arms and hands. You’re heading back toward home, refreshed.
The Landing:
Drop your head slightly, first on one side, then the other, like a tilting plane circling for landing. Pull your head forward and down, letting the wheels of your mind hit the tarmac. Then, lift your head to an upright posture and open your eyes. You are refreshed and ready to step into the next moment.
The Take Off: three breaths
The Destination: six breaths
The Oversized Drink: fill your body
The Return: move your body
The Landing: tilt and straighten your head