A Finnish study found that shift work and the sleep disorders causes effects on DNA level. Those who work in shifts and therefore suffer from sleep disorders have changes in DNA methylation that affect gene function. The phenomenon was observed in DNA changes in white blood cells, and the changes are linked to inflammatory diseases through sleep deprivation. People with shift work sleep disorder have less relaxation at bedtime, it takes longer to fall asleep, and sleep quality is poorer than those shift workers who did not have the disorder. The study also found that during holidays, rest and recovery progress restored changes in DNA function. According to researchers, adequate rest and recovery are absolutely essential in preventing these changes.
According to another Finnish study, already three evening or night shifts a month can lead to constant fatigue in leisure time. This phenomenon has been observed in every second hospital worker with a shift sleep disorder. Those with sleep disorders were also more sleepy on both night and morning shifts. In addition, their sleep was shorter and the sleep deficit was higher before the morning shifts. People with shift sleep disorders also slept just over their sleep needs on their days off, unlike the control group. According to the study, shift work disorder is poorly recognized in health care and more attention should be paid to its prevention. A sufficiently long and high quality recovery can alleviate many of the symptoms. In Finland, about one-fifth of the labor force works in shifts.
Neurosonic technology brings relief for sleep disorders and recovery challenges
Neurosonic vibration technology has been developed to accelerate and promote the functioning of the recovery nervous system. Even a short moment, 10 min a day on our device promotes recovery and prevents the negative effects of poor recovery. Hundreds of companies in Finland and e.g. The NHS in England have adopted our technology. Feedback from everyone is similar; recovery is better; there is more of it in a day and it starts up easily and in addition it is easily verifiable through various recovery measurement technologies as well as subjective knowledge. The quality of sleep becomes better in most people, and at the same time the state of alertness and concentration becomes better. The benefit of Neurosonic technology is also reflected in a reduction in overall stress levels and this has a direct impact on performance, motivation and overall mood.
Recommendations for the use of Neurosonic programs for shift workers:
- Activating programs are suitable, for example, during a night shift between 20-05 or to refresh at any time.
- You can take advantage of relaxation programs for example in a three-night streak, by taking longer relaxation programs (25 or 39 minutes) between the first and second night to ensure better sleep.
- We recommend recovery programs after the last night shift, as it may facilitate recovery to a normal circadian rhythm.