Shift Your Perspective, Live Beyond Your Triggers
Life. What I have learned over the course of my life, is that it goes better when we look past our current circumstances in order to achieve our life purpose. So often in life, we meander through without clear direction, focus or goals. The biggest thing we need to focus on is setting goals and an action plan in order to achieve it. This is where the magic happens. This is where the Law of Attraction is activated and you are able to see your dreams actually happen.
When we are in the middle of our circumstances, when we are going through some less than positive experiences, it is so easy to focus on the stuff that’s happening rather than our goals and dreams. This also activates the universal law of attraction. The universe sees your goals and dreams. It also sees your doubts and worries.
Shift Your Perspective
In moments of stress and doubt, I have found the best way to get through the doubt and stress is to take a step back. Step back, take a deep breath and refocus. Re-set my intention and my goal and shift my perspective up and out. In moments of stress and overwhelm, it is really easy to get bogged down in the feelings. The problem is that by focusing on those feelings, you manifest more of those feelings. If energy goes where your intention flows, intend to be positive. Intend to focus on your goals and shift your perspective up and out.

Live Beyond Your Triggers
When we are feeling triggered, we are focused on our own pile of experience. When we are focused on our own scenario and circumstance, we can’t see the good things the universe has for us. It is time to live beyond your triggers. Every time you feel triggered, take a deep breath. Look up and out. Shift your perspective. Search for the trigger and why it still affects you this way. Often it is something based in your childhood or upbringing. If you can recognise that triggered feeling before the reaction happens, you will be able to sit back, take a deep breath and uncover the trigger and work through the issue. At least recognise the trigger – when you do that, you save yourself a reaction and give yourself the ability to respond appropriately.
When we start to shift the things that trigger us and recognise what our triggers are, we are able to focus on responding rather than reacting. We can acknowledge our feelings and accept that they are valid. Then we can focus on the parts that help us move forward, we can shift our perspective and focus on the positives of the situation. Working on shifting the things holding us back helps us to move into what the universe has for us. Embracing the Law of Attraction and manifesting our goals and dreams helps us to live our purpose with passion and integrity.
Learning to shift your perspective and live beyond your triggers is essential to being able to achieve your purpose in life. It is so important to embrace your history, but to be able to release the emotions attached to it so that you can learn the lessons and move into all that the universe wants for you. If you would like more information on my hypnotherapy and coaching programs aimed to help you do this, get in touch.