Your best bet is to be positive and not get overwhelmed when facing the task assigned to you. Here are some tips from which will help you manage your stress
Get organized
Even if life is made up of unforeseen events, put the odds in your favour to avoid “last-minute stress”. Good time management will only benefit you. Make daily lists for yourself in order of importance, and cross off tasks as you go – it feels like you are moving forward and not forgetting anything.
Release tension, decompress and indulge yourself above all!
Are you at your end? Don’t let the tension overwhelm you, free yourself and express your feelings, whether positive or negative. Read a good book, listen to music you like, take a hot bath, indulge in cocooning, go shopping … And laugh! So many activities that allow you to empty yourself and take a step back from the annoyances.
Simple ways to relax and let go
You just need to breathe in deeply while inflating your stomach, the rib cage and shoulders go up at the same time, then slowly exhale through your mouth. Yoga, in particular, teaches you to breathe and regenerate yourself from postures, rules and elementary principles of hygiene of life.
Treat yourself gently
Homeopathy turns out to be an excellent alternative to taking psychotropic drugs. It makes the body react, helps it to draw on its most intimate resources”. Homeopathy has the additional advantage of not causing dependence or drowsiness. Each reaction to stress (memory, phobia, insomnia…) can have a homeopathic response, but it acts as a preventive measure. So do not wait to be stressed to consult, anticipate if you know your tendencies to react with stress!
Smile and laugh
Laughter is always good: the body releases endorphin, just like during physical activity. Laughter also reduces anxiety. The simple act of smiling is beneficial. Even when forced, this gesture can provoke positive emotions in a stressful situation.
Prepare the day before for the next day
While some only need 2 minutes, watch in hand, to choose their outfit for the day, this is far from being the case for everyone. We must indeed find something that goes with our mood of the moment, match it with a pair of shoes, jewellery, make-up … (well obviously here I speak more for women, although I have nothing against men who wear makeup).
This daily ceremony takes time and we like to change our minds at the very last moment. To avoid being unnecessarily late, why not take out your clothes the next day before going to bed?
It even gives you time to try them on, compare, and think about the rest of the outfit. The other positive aspect of this method lies in the limitation of last-minute omissions… To adopt therefore!
Do everything on time
Even if some pride themselves on being able to perform several tasks simultaneously, the effectiveness of such logic is to be questioned. It is in fact impossible to keep an optimal concentration on multiple objectives, which greatly increases the risk of error.
Every task, no matter how small, must be completed before moving on to the next. Not only will your concentration be improved, but you can rely on the satisfaction provided by these achievements to give you a boost before responding to a new imperative which will allow you to reduce stress more effectively.