Organic food has been getting a lot of traction lately, and there are a number of factors to thank for that. With the adulteration news coming in hot and farmers finding it incredibly difficult to grow crops without the use of chemicals, organic food seems to be finally getting its due recognition.

But are people moving towards organic food only because the alternative is harmful, or is there any sort of inherent benefit associated with organic food?

Well..the idea of organic farming is based on promoting healthy and chemical-free eating habits. Earlier, organic farming was practiced by small-scale farmers and gardeners. Most of these farmers and gardeners grew organic food for personal consumption. 

Nowadays, the word ”organic” has evolved to include a number of products. Nevertheless, organic food originally included fruits and vegetables and eventually covered meat, dairy, and processed foods.

Although organic food has now become a trendy and somewhat of a fad topic, it does indeed have a range of benefits for our health as well as the environment.

Let’s take a look at some of these benefits so you can decide yourself whether to go organic or not:

Organic food preserves nature

We all know organic farming does not employ chemicals and other harmful substances, which means it is dependent on nature’s patterns. For an extended period of time, we were under the belief that the use of chemicals is important to prevent pests and insects from destroying crops. Nevertheless, the latest studies have put a stop to such misconceptions and made it clear that crops are best grown in their natural habitat.

Soil can enrich itself every year without human meddling. The use of pesticides prevents the soil from enriching itself and hence leads it to get infertile. Not to mention, the use of chemicals also kills off pollinating insects such as bees, one of the most important organisms for human survival. 

So in a way, the overuse of chemicals and harsh substances in farming gave rise to the need for organic food. 

Not to mention, organic food is safer and better than conventionally grown food. Organic farmers use a natural method of crop rotation to preserve the natural value of the soil. This allows the crops to extract the essential minerals and vitamins from the soil and, in turn, offer healthy food for human beings. 

Organic food is higher in nutritional value

Several studies show that organic food has more nutritional value compared to conventionally grown food. The organic harvesting process is more considerate and natural as organic food is required to meet stringent certification standards, making it a more reliable option for our and the environment’s health.

Tastes the way food is supposed to taste

We have been conditioned to chemically-induced food so much that when we shift to organic food, we will notice a drastic change in taste. Since taste is subjective, some people might find organic food to taste overwhelming.

Nevertheless, once you get used to organic food, you will have a clear idea that this is how food is supposed to taste. 

In modern farming methods, taste is usually a neglected factor as farmers focus on growing food that is sizable and firm for marketing purposes.

Modern farmers also have to consider supplying their harvest throughout the country independent of the season or geography, which leads them to undermine the natural taste and flavor of the crop.

Organic is healthier

It goes without saying that organic food is a healthier alternative to the food available in the market. Organic food is especially beneficial for vulnerable groups of consumers such as infants, the elderly, and pregnant women. 

Since infants and elderly people have weaker immune systems, it makes sense for them to avoid chemically-induced food. The same goes for pregnant women who have to be extremely careful about what they eat. 

Going organic helps reduce the intake of synthetic chemicals and toxins, which ultimately helps us lead a healthier lifestyle.

Organic is the way to go

Specific organic food will have specific nutrients. This is why it is important to introduce diversity in your food. Choose various organic foods to obtain the full range of benefits that organic food offers. 

However, first, you must make sure you are choosing organic because of its wide range of benefits instead of it being trendy.

If you choose organic food because it is ”trendy”, you might fall victim to various organic fads. There are plenty of brands in the market that sell inorganic products in the name of natural food. Make sure you are aware of what you are buying and stick to reliable sources of organic food.
