Shreyansh Gupta

In these troubling times that have been kickstarted by the advent of the covid-19 crisis, there has surprisingly been seen a revolution in the form of new digital ventures sprouting up, novel ideas being generated in the market.

With more and more people coming out with their talents in the entrepreneurial field, it is important to know how to sustain oneself in the competition.

According to Shreyansh Gupta, the CEO of DevelopXmedia and at 19, one of the youngest social media marketing expert, it is important for new ventures to have a clear goal in their mind before they start taking the associated risks.

In his own entrepreneurial journey, Shreyansh has garnered much experience and has noted some key points that people often miss when starting out on new ventures.

Here he shares a few of them.

Building A Good Network And Laying The Foundation

In my initial years, says Shreyansh, my major focus was to build a good network and build public relations in the digital market before setting out to tread on my own.

In fact, this is important for any venture as by communicating with people in the field, not only do you learn from other’s experience but also learn from their mistakes and build up on your own set of knowledge.

It was important for Shreyansh to have an active network of clients and colleagues and establish a good relation with each before starting out on his digital venture.

It is in fact an integral part of laying the foundation of your business to have a good network of people that you can rely and count on in time of a need.

Being Able To Use All The Tools At Your Disposal

One of the most important skill for starting a business is resourcefulness.

Until and unless you don’t have an iron-clad knowledge about the different technologies and tools associated with your venture and how to apply them to your benefit, you can’t ensure a smooth execution of services.

Before setting out on his own digital venture, Shreyansh first worked on perfecting his own digital skills including the use of all the digital technologies and tools that he’d need for his business.

While it is also true that learning is an ongoing process and you learn a great deal at the run than you do before it, but still, having a minimum of knowledge base and maybe more than that always helps you in the long run.

Therefore, it is important to have a powerful skill set, related to your area of work before you set out on establishing your own firm.

Having A Powerful Team Of Differently Skilled People

When you have a team of people that have similar levels of skills and are assigned to different aspects of the business, there is bound to be conflict.

Although till today it remains a major problem for even well established companies to maintain a work environment that’s both comfortable and nourishing for the people working there, but taking effective measures well in the initial period of a business helps a lot in avoiding most of these conflicts.

It is crucial for the core team for any company to have a balanced working system that ensures fairness and a just distribution of responsibilities.

A good team consists of people that have different yet complementary skills that are in contrast to each other and so, any conflicting emotions regarding the work environment and the responsibilities can be effectually avoided.
