Learning the right skill sets and knowledge through self-training or from mentors like An Bui who have done it fruitfully is key to finding success even without a college degree.
Frustrated at the age of 17 because of the fear of living a life in debt and not wanting to do something he hated, An Bui decided to pursue a career in digital marketing to get freedom- freedom from a very long, agonizing college life unsure if a degree will guarantee a high-paying job in the future. An Bui believed that going to college will only lead you into getting into massive student loan debts and will most likely not teach and prep you with the needed skills and knowledge that in-demand markets are requiring or looking for.
An Bui dropped out of college at the age of 19 and started learning skill sets needed by in-demand jobs, especially in the digital marketing space. He self-taught himself, with the help of some mentors, which gave him a kickstart in landing high-paying jobs. An Bui got his first high-end career job in digital marketing from an employer even though he didn’t have any degree, certifications, or experience. He was chosen by the employer among many others who had degrees and experiences because he showed great proactivity in self-teaching, one trait that tells a lot about one’s ability to excel and do well in any tasks assigned.
With his success in his first 6-figure job just within his first 6 months after dropping out of college, An Bui reached a realization that one does not necessarily need to finish a 4-year degree or college certification just to find or land entry-level jobs. Learning relevant career skills that you can use and leverage to be able to land jobs is all you need to spend time and money on. With his vast success in his first few jobs, An Bui attracted the attention of many companies and shortly after, many employers were reaching out to him. Not very long, An Bui earned past 6 figures at an early age of 21 and has started teaching many others to do the same thing or follow a similar career path so they won’t get stuck in student loan debts.
Countless students, including An Bui, who have and still are doing so well in their chosen careers despite not finishing college are living proof that one does not necessarily have to finish any college course or certification just to be able to succeed in life. Landing jobs and high-paying careers you may be and can be good at has nothing to do with luck and, most of the time has nothing to do with your excellent academic records. Companies want people who have the skills needed to get the jobs done and go beyond what is asked. They need individuals who have the knowledge and qualities of proactive and quick-thinking individuals who can help their company achieve goals and grow towards a common goal.