After during the Dark ages a numerical mysticism started away from the teachings of Merkabah which were a sect of Judaism. Then in the 13th century, the German Kabbalists developed Gematria, a mystic numerical model of the Scriptures. Data also exists about the use of numerology thousands of years ago in China and Taiwan, Rome, Japan, and Portugal.
The ancient Greeks have given us an array of scientific and scientific data that becomes even more relevant as time advances and it is the Ancient Greek language philosopher Pythagoras with which we credit for the modern-day versions of Numerology. It is rather true that Pythagoras would not whole new numerology however it was his theories that required numerology to a different level. Hence the reason as to why Pythagoras is credited with being the daddy of numerology.
Sometimes a number 4’s adherence to routine is obsessive to the point of being pathological. If you believe that changing your routine even in the slightest might destroy your business or happiness in one way then you may be a number 4 who is becoming paralyzed by insecurity.
Life Path Number 6 – Those following the number 6 Life Path are usually people-pleasers that have a great need to feel indispensable to others. For this reason, many numbers 6’s often dedicated their lives to being caregivers and service providers such as doctors, nurses, counselors, firefighters, and law keepers.
These sensitive individuals can also be very set in their ways and traumatized by any changes to their routines. It is difficult to ever convince a number 4 that he or she might be wrong, as they do not respond well to criticism. The tenacity and obsessive character traits of the number 4 often earn him or her the title of a workaholic. Still many have profited from a number 4’s devotion to performing thankless tasks and rigid sense of organization.
Life Path Number 4 – Those following the Life Path of a number 4 often end up becoming the pillars of the community. These individuals are hard working, practical and trustworthy. They have the practical skills to bring dreams of others into reality.
Negative 22’s are very rare, but sometimes they display what looks like insensitivity. This is part of a spiritual directive to be detached from objects and the outcome of events. Many of them work for material gain, with the idea that their wealth should be spread among the masses.
Nothing corrects a number 2’s karma more efficiently than acts of random kindness or volunteering for a hospital, school or shelter. In fact, that is how many of them meet their soul mates.
Yes, numerology does really work. By using numerology in your daily life you can overcome many of the obstacles that just seem to pop up in what you might refer to as a precise and calculated way. Discover simple and quick ways to maximize your energy and reduce your stress! You will learn some really amazing details about your physical, mental, emotional, and ‘intuitive’ abilities!.
Dependable and predictable number 4’s are associated with the earth element so they can have a very grounding influence on others. However, their fear of talking can make them seem very uptight. They can also be so over-focused on the tasks at hand that they miss big opportunities that come their way.
Number 6 usually feels a spiritual obligation to help others and do so by constantly displaying kindness, tenderness, and compassion to all that they meet. As children, these natural born leaders usually display wisdom, bravery, and self-control that are far beyond their age.
What is in a chart? Plenty of qualities, and aspects of yourself and your characteristics that can help to determine the likely course you will take in life.
Number 3’s stray off their life path by giving up their dreams and talents. Many escape into alcohol or drug abuse to avoid hearing the nagging voice of their constant inspiration. If you are a number 3 who is not finding themselves in the spotlight because of personal problems then this is a wake-up call to follow your heart’s desire.
The one is added to the seven which is then added to 1973 for a total of 1981. The one is then added to the nine, then added to the eight and one for a total of 19 which after the one and the nine are added you arrive at 10 and then finally at 1 after the 1 and 0 are combined. The actual date of your birth is also a component of your numerology chart as is the numbers associated with your given name.
Remember you are living in a society where no matter what type of job you have, at some stage you have to deal with others. The others could be your boss, your friends, your colleagues, other workers, government officials, your partners, business associates, and your family. The list is endless. You may find that dealing with some people is easy and with others it is difficult.
Next, add the total digits of the birth year and reduce them to a single number. Jolie’s birth year is 1975 so you would add 1+9+7+5 to arrive at a sum that represents the year number. In Jolie’s case, the year is the master number 22. This would be reduced to simply 2. Now add the month sum, birth sum, and year sum together. For Jolie it would be: 6+4+2 = 12, If you get a double-digit, as is the case with Angelina Jolie, reduce the number down further. 1+2 =3, Angelina Jolie’s Life Path number is a 3.
The number 5’s lack of commitment also extends to personal relationships. They tend to be very self-absorbed and unaware of the effect of their actions on other people. There is also a tendency to place what others might interpret as the most important priority in life as last and the least important consideration first. As other people often feel tricked or fooled by number 5’s, they tend to experience a series of broken relationships.
By this same number can be found the proper relationship to all other words, all other names, all other personalities. Numerology is so immediately useful as well as a fascinating pastime, that it has fallen into disrepute as merely a fad for choosing lucky numbers and changing names.
Yet it can also be the cause behind a constant struggle with middle-of-the-road performance. So whether you are starting a new company or have an established enterprise, you should really use the numbers to make your business strong and eliminate the areas that may cause disharmony.
I used to spend hours wandering through hundreds of Healing Fairs, being engrossed with the various stalls. I have spent hours watching with great anticipation while people handed over their hard earned cash for tarot card readings, astrology charts and the like. I used to think that just maybe there was something in what many of my friends thought was just a lot of mumbo jumbo.
When I will go through all the different explanations in subsequent articles, I will list the different meanings of each number, from both positive and negative points of view, but that does not imply you will have all the qualities of those numbers that apply to you. People may have similar numbers or vibrations, however, that does not mean they are exactly the same in terms of their personalities or characteristics.
If you calculate your Soul Number (as taught in another New Age Notebook) you can contrast the two numbers to see what your unique challenges are in life.
They are also more likely to adopt a child or work in a capacity that involves coaching youth (such as a baseball team) than other numbers. They usually earn the unqualified respect of family and friends because of their willingness to carry more than their fair share of the load when it comes to interacting with the community.
These social climbers will go to great lengths to meet the right person at the right time. Even if an 8 is from an unprivileged background, he or she will go to a lot of trouble to be seen at the right parties, wearing the right clothes and hobnobbing with the real players in the room. People who boast a “from rags to riches” history often are number 8’s.
Use numerology as a tool for guidance, but not as an easy answer for you because, in the end, you hold your own answers and you do have to do the work to accomplish whatever it is you desire in this lifetime. Your worst experiences are your best assets, depending on how you look at life in the first place. Hope you will enjoy the journey with me to discover your vibrations.
No, I could not prove that either was wrong, the information was the same and oh so accurate. You might also ask – why is this so? Easy, you see, numbers affect our everyday existence because based on name at birth and the date of birth the entire information about one’s life is readily available. Things can change in one’s life, yet one thing is constant, the date of one’s birth.