Noman Shaikh Copywriter

We’ve heard a lot about morning routines. 

They are powerful. 

Yet, Even after trying for a long time, some folks like me might struggle with developing them. 

I’ve tried and failed more times than a child falls when trying to walk. Even after falling a hundred times, the child learns to walk anyway.

I’ve learnt to walk a little too. My way of implementing morning routines started from the night before. The better my night routines, the better my mornings. 

The way we end our day impacts the quality of our sleep. Sleep quality has an immediate effect on productivity for the very next day.

These evening rituals take very little time and have humongous benefits. 

Below are 4 rituals you should start implementing for better living. 

1. Make a quick list of 3 wins for the day.

Gratitude makes you feel good. Research says it reduces stress level and enhances the mood. 

Making a list of 3 wins takes your attention towards the positives of the day which instantly changes your mindset towards good and relaxes you.

Three wins don’t necessarily mean big wins. It could be 3 good memories. 

For example:

You received good feedback on your work, that’s a win. 

You spent the day laughing and smiling with your family, that’s a win.

Your efforts from 6 months ago are finally showing up, that’s a win.

You went for that long walk you were procrastinating for a month, that’s a win.

2. Ask the question “What did I learn today?”

High achievers are constantly evolving. They learn something each day. Take Elon Musk, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.

When you ask the question “What did I learn today?” At the end of each day, You do a quick recap of things you learnt and helps you memorize them. 

The other benefit is, if you keep asking this question every night, you will find something to learn each day.

If you maintain a journal it is better. This way you’ll have all the learning in one snap and you could go through it whenever you like.

3. Close the day

This is quick and powerful. Go through all the tasks you had on your to-do list or in your schedule for the day.

Take a note of the completed tasks and the incomplete ones. Reschedule your incomplete tasks and give the day a proper closure. 

This way, if you are procrastinating on some tasks for a few days, you will start to remember them the next day or the day after, and eventually, you will get that done.

I’ve had a good experience with these. There are certain things I find very boring. They are important but the rewards for these tasks take time, so I used to avoid them. After writing them each day in my pending tasks, I started to take them seriously.

Do check out the bullet Bullet Journal by Ryder Carroll. It gives an insight about decluttering your mind and getting things done.

4. Decide clothes for the next day

This is silly yet powerful. Decide what clothes you will wear tomorrow. The reason is, we are trying to keep our mornings away from decisions which take time and don’t matter much. So this energy is used somewhere productive.

Get your gears ready as well. If you plan to go for the gym or a run, have your shoes ready. 

Wrap Up

We have discussed four simple routines for evenings. Try these for 30 days straight and see the difference for yourself. 

When I was trying to implement these and incorporate them into my daily habit. I tried doing it before going to bed.

If I was ever reminded about these after lying down, I did these on my phone. 

Here’s a quick recap:

  1. Make a quick list of 3 wins for the day.
  2. Ask the question “What did I learn today?”
  3. Close the day
  4. Decide clothes for the next day

Bonus Tip: If you’re a creative professional, give your subconscious something to sleep on. You’ll have the idea cooked and baked by the morning.