The health restriction we experienced last year had changed many of our lifestyles including our work life. One of these changes that were experienced by many is the “working from home” setup. For many, it was good news. Well, there is a lot of benefits you can get from this setup. They can have a more flexible work schedule, save more money, enjoy a no-stress day from commuting. It’s definitely a dream of many employees. However, it’s not the case for everyone.
Some employees also struggling when it comes to productivity and creativity. The day just ended yet it gives the feeling that they didn’t get anything done. This is not only bad for your work output, but it can also be really stressful emotionally.
With a lot of distractions at home, staying on top of everything can be a real challenge. Good thing, there are ways to optimize your work hours even at home. Follow these simple tips to stay productive while working from home.
Organize your work environment
You don’t need an enormous home office to be productive. But if you can afford to try this, why not have one, right? You only need a clean table, a comfortable chair, and a quiet room so we can focus. Position your table near windows where natural light and air can come in freely.
Adding plants near your workspace can also help. According to a study of the American Psychological Association, plants filtering the air, help us to manage stress, focus our energy, and increase productivity.
Close the door
If you are not living alone, you might want to close your door to avoid more distractions. According to Gretchen Rubin, the author of The Happiness Project, keeping the door to your workspace closed separates you from your children or housemates who potentially give you more distraction. You can also try buying a set of earphones and play music to boost your concentration.
Morning routine
You need a good morning routine to jumpstart your day. It’s understandable to wake up a little late when working from home, however, make sure you still have time for breakfast. Since you are now working from home you have now no reason to skip breakfast. You need the energy to function for the whole day. You should also have enough time to have at least a light exercise. This can help you not only to warm up your body but also your brain.
Learn to Take a break
The remote work setup should give the employees a work-life balance. However, this isn’t happening to everyone. Since work the place is in their room, many tend to spend more hours. Some even work during their day off just to finish their work.
This isn’t advisable. You may complete some tasks but there’s a good chance that you may suffer from burnout in return. When this happens to you. You will be unproductive for several days. So learn to take a break. Have a pause after completing your next recharge. Perhaps drink some coffee.
On your day off, learn to have fun also to refill your energy and motivation. Have an out-of-town vacation or gather your buddies and have a game night at home. There are many gaming sites, like 12bet out there where you can play without leaving the comfort of your home. You’re doing this so, the next day you will be more ready and motivated to work.
Dress properly
It’s really tempting to wear comfy pajamas while working from home. But don’t do it especially if you have issues in productivity. Try to dress professionally every time you go to your workstation. It allows you to draw a fine line between work and life if you dress properly for work. Dressing professionally also promotes productivity. Furthermore, when a sudden video conference comes, you will always be read.