The food we eat affects so many aspects of our lives, from our relationships to our physical and mental well-being. And making better food choices doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are so many simple, actionable ways to make smart nutrition choices that help fuel our bodies, nourish our minds, and help us feel our best.
We asked our Thrive Stars to share with us the tips that have helped them on their Food journey. Which of these ideas will you try?
Start your day with a glass of water
“One step that I have implemented daily is to drink a big glass of water when I wake up. My Thrive notification goes off and reminds me it’s ‘time to drink your water,’ and it has now become a routine. My 10-year-old daughter also is in the habit of drinking a glass of water when she wakes up, so she wakes up and asks me, ‘Mom, did you drink your water today? Because I already did”. I now feel more and more refreshed, hydrated and less tired.”
—Stephanie Zook, Walmart #1046, Carrizo Springs, TX
Write down your lunches for the week
“I plan my menu for lunch for the whole week. It saves time and I eat healthier if I write it on paper. It allows me to see what I’m putting in my body.”
—Shawna Jordan, Walmart #0151, McAlester, OK
Add fresh produce to your shopping list
“Buying and using fresh produce is a great way to reduce your food bill! And fresh produce can fill you up without extra salt and fat. You can eat more healthy fresh foods, be full and have energy, all for less money. Walmart has a wonderful selection of fresh produce in our store. Many of my customers love to check out in my line because I commend them for choosing fresh or frozen produce, and I pack it economically so it stays in good shape on the trip home!”
—Melissa Hawes, Walmart #6814, Winston Salem, NC
Try out a new recipe
“I attended the Food Thrive Event with Nutrition Expert, Tess Bredesen. She shared a recipe called Golden Cauliflower. I love to cook and try a new and different recipe. I bought a cauliflower and the seasoning I don’t have. On my day off, I made the Golden Cauliflower. It is super easy. Just cut the florets, wash it, pat with a paper towel to dry. Mix the seasoning in a bowl; salt, black pepper, garlic power, cumin, turmeric and avocado oil. Drizzle it to the florets. Bake in the oven. Voila’. It is ready to eat. It is delicious. My husband, who is not fond of spicy food, ate and complimented it. It is full of flavor and nutritious. “
—Gemma Dees, Walmart #4235, Terre Haute, IN
Meal prep with your partner
“I’ve found it helpful to make sure that we made a grocery list, and to not run out of healthy options before we are able to head back to the store. Having healthy options on hand did not leave me time to have impulsive bad choices. Meal prepping with my wife gave us time to spend with each other and talk about our day. Supporting each other and working towards our goals!”
—Dorothy Cook, San Diego, CA
Honor your cravings
“My tip is that when you crave something, eat it. Then, the craving is gone and you can carry on instead of depriving yourself.”
—Terri-Lynn Reed, Walmart #1046, Taber, Alberta
Pack your lunch the night before
“I choose to pack my lunch for work, which consists of a piece of broiled chicken and a salad along with two large bottles of water. And for dessert, I add an Atkins candy bar. After work, I munch on some fresh fruits. This strategy has lifted my spirits every time I look in the mirror.”
—Valerie Kimbrough, Walmart #2277, Clovis, CA
Try cooking at home more often
“Home cooked meals are always the best choice. Preparing home cooked meals all the time has helped us save money, make sure we’re eating fresh and healthy foods, and it allows us to plan out our meals instead of making impulsive and unhealthy choices.”
—Anna Manalastas, Walmart #1046, Taber, Alberta
Focus on gratitude
“My tip on making better food choices is to start eating healthier now that I’m getting older. My body is thanking me for changing by not aching so much, and I am even dropping sizes.“
—Tonya Howell, Walmart #5436, Wilmington, DE
Repurpose your leftovers
“I find my mornings are much less stressful when I have prepared a meal the night before, and have leftovers dished up and ready to go in a container for lunch the next day. My favorite meal is a toss up between meatloaf and baked potatoes, and spaghetti. I feel a lot better when I am not eating as many processed foods. And since I’ve cut out a lot of the takeout, I’ve lost about 30 pounds, and I have a lot more energy.”
—Amanda Rogers, Walmart #1016, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
Create a weekly grocery list
“Creating a weekly grocery list works well for me. That way, I do not just blindly walk through a grocery store falling prey mainly to items on sale. I am obsessed with the Flip app, which helps me quickly compare prices and get the best deals on groceries that I actually need and want to try. I get notified when different store flyers are expired and I refresh my l grocery list for my next weekly grocery trip. I make my list either at my lunch break or when I’m commuting to or from work, on the train or bus.”
—Tabby Kleinsasser, Lethbridge, Alberta
Remove guilt from your food decisions
“I used to eat more ice cream and treats, and now I only eat those things on occasion, usually only when my daughters come home. I have made a decision that if I want a treat, then I can eat it and not feel guilty about it. This is huge for me as I still struggle with not always accepting myself for myself but I am getting better. I am becoming more aware of my food choices and am happy with my choices. I am listening to myself and learning to trust myself with my choice.”
—Tammy Duncan, Walmart #5708. Alberta
Look up new recipes online
“I find myself each day wanting to try out healthy meals by researching online for new or easy ways to make meal choices. My family and I have discovered some healthy dry seeds and herbs that we could blend and sprinkle on our meals. We have decided to use organic milk, fruits and vegetables to substitute the regular ones. We also deliberately decided to make use of our juicer often to allow us the privilege of drinking healthy juice.”
—Eno Aderibigbe, Cedar Hill, TX
Don’t be afraid to modify
“Rather than eliminate desserts completely,, I try to work around that passion. I make lemon mousse from scratch and use half the sugar the recipe calls for. I look at calories in packaged desserts. I try to limit my dessert calories. For example, one Peanut Butter No Bake Cookie from the Walmart Bakery is 180 calories. I used to drink a glass of red wine regularly, but I now save alcohol for special occasions and weekends.I replaced wine with alcohol-free spicy vegetable juice, and I enjoy mixing orange juice and cranberry juice.”
—Clare Creegan, Walmart #5823, Dallas, TX
Use your Notes app to plan your meals
“The number one tip that has helped me keep consistent in preparing healthier food choices is planning out my breakfast, lunch and dinners in advance on my iPhone notes app. Doing it in this way allows me to get all the ingredients I need from the grocery store, as well.”
—Domingo Garcia, Walmart #0464, Corpus Christi, TX
Always have fruits and vegetables in the fridge
“I try to choose more nutrient-dense snacks, like vegetables, fruits and nuts as opposed to just high-calorie ‘delicious’ options, like fried foods. It’s challenging to stick to fresh foods when you have a busy work schedule, but in the end it will benefit you much more than just the quick and easy. So it’s good to always have fruits and vegetables handy in the kitchen that you can pack and take with you.”
— Kevin W McDonald II, Miami, FL
Get your kids involved
“I take one day a week to make my list and prepare my weekly meals and leave them frozen for that week so I already have my meals scheduled and ready. I eat these foods for my lunch and save time and money. These have helped to integrate my children in the selection of food and preparation of meals. In addition, we spend that time as a family, selecting food and cooking for the week, we can talk and have a great time.”
—Nanette Velez Rivera, Walmart #2346, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico
Keep a positive mindset
“I started to drink more water than juice because I like juice more than soda, but with juices you can also gain weight. I then started to eat more baked food and cut out late night snacks. I was working all the time and I had started to see a ‘Big Glow’’ in me from making these small changes. I started loving myself again. I live with high blood pressure, so I do not eat salt and I take my medicine. I was in a very dark place in my life until I started to get into Thrive. Now, I see light and believe. Sometimes you may feel you are in a dark place but all this time you were just blind to see the beauty in life especially when you think positively and pray! Anything is possible.”
—Tykina Cola, Walmart #1376, Hendersonville, TN