Why not host a Virtual Gratitude Lunch with your team this week?
What’s a virtual gratitude lunch?
Lunch meet-ups don’t have to always take place in person nor does expressing gratitude to a teammate. One idea is to have team members take a virtual lunch break, where each person can chat with one another via video call and share something they are grateful for right now. Being grateful isn’t limited to the holidays. Sure, it’s great to go around the table during the holidays to give thanks, but really, we should be giving thanks daily especially right now in these uncertain times!
Actively thinking about the things you’re grateful for can have lasting and powerful impacts on your mindset and outlook.
Create a prompt:
You can always use the standard “what are you grateful for today? OR maybe one of these…
* What is one non-material thing that you couldn’t live without?
* What is your favorite memory working on this team?
* What is your proudest moment this year at work?
* What’s your favorite childhood memory?
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It illuminates all of the incredible, tiny elements that weave together to comprise our own unique tapestry of the human experience. The more that we focus our mind on all that we have in our lives, the more it seems like we have to be grateful for.
Gratitude can change your perspective on your life, which is key to living with greater happiness and satisfaction.