Dearest Readers, many of you have probably been raised in the Christian Faith or other world religions….
Personally, I was raised a Catholic and learned, since childhood, about the Christ coming to Earth in order to teach us the Principles of Love according to the Church catechism studies.
But already at that very young age, I deeply sensed that despite loving the Christ Teachings, I had no alliance of the heart with the Catholic Church and was not in resonance with their religious Dogma….
Nowadays, I have of course no judgment towards all the ones that find faith and comfort in the Catholic Church. As a spiritual being I learned to have the greatest respect for all religions, credos and beliefs but the Catholic way was never my way and to find our own way is so much more important then to just believe in something because we have been taught by others that this is the only path that will lead us to the spiritual truth….
Although, many years later, upon my spiritual awakening, I met again with the Teachings of the Christ. But this time around, they were presented to me in a very different form then previously and these new understandings offered me the revolution of my own heart that until then had remained firmly closed.
Firstly I became fully aware that God/Source was not separate from us but within us and within everything around us….
And then I realized that the Christ Teachings were not just words of wisdom but indeed pure consciousness; seeds of consciousness that we already carry inside and through the process of receiving both the new spiritual learnings and the practicing of meditation, this Christ Consciousness could simply grow and develop from within our own being all those magnificent Christ qualities of Love&Light that are always present in us.
In the beginning of my transformation I was taken back by these new discoveries so radically different from everything I knew before, but after a while all started to make perfect sense….
To be awakened, to be conscious means to align our consciousness with the Christ Consciousness as the evolution and growth inside our awareness simply signifies to fully accept and embrace all the Christ Principles:
I began to fully comprehend that the key was to be found not in listening to the teachings as just wisdom learnings of the mind only, but in being able to instead embody them. To begin the merging of my own consciousness with the Christ Consciousness, as one, was my own turning point, gifting me with the full insight of what meant to truly walk on the spiritual path…and as it is within me, it is also within you…
The answer to our evolution lays in the shift of consciousness that must occur when we are called to open ourselves more spiritually, kick starting the process of enlightenment of all those parts of the Self that don’t yet hold the Christ Consciousness qualities.
This is the biggest difference between being in a sleeping state or an awakened state: the level of development of these beautiful qualities/gifts of love that we all carry within us…. these precious Christ qualities that propel us to live in an open hearted state instead of a closed hearted state…
And now I am inviting all of you to reflect and ponder about everything I just shared….
Is it easy or difficult for you to comprehend that everything is already within you and all that you need to do is to simply open yourself up, regaining sovereignty upon your consciousness and therefore the whole of your being?
Is it easy or difficult for you to comprehend that the Christ Consciousness is intrinsically part of you and you can grow it from within like a beautiful garden that will gift you back the most delicious fruits of love and exquisite flowers of peace and ancient wisdom?
Is it easy or difficult for you to comprehend that to embrace Christ Consciousness will not bring us self-sacrifice but instead all will flourish in our lives in the most positive way?
Is it easy or difficult for you to comprehend that if, as the collective of humanity, we will not strive to nurture the beautiful qualities encapsulated within the Christ Consciousness all that is negative in our reality will never cease?
And now please give yourself sometime to digest it all without judging yourself in any way…
To know though that we are all equal and all capable of bringing our own little piece of the puzzle towards making a better world is so very important—as important as the full realization that we all have God within us, that we all have Christ within us and we are not separate in any way from our own divinity…
When we shall see clearly our own divinity and the divinity of others without any more blindness and blaming, then, we will truly witness great positive changes on a massive scale…
We should all begin this process NOW and grow inside our own heart the seeds of:
In order to contribute to the creation of a more equal society and more respect towards Mother Earth, it is all about putting our own energy and consciousness where it is mostly needed, where there is indeed the biggest lack of awareness and usually this is to be found in all the hearts of the ones that forgot the beauty and simplicity of the Christ Consciousness Teachings, the very teachings that could transform not just our lives but also the lives of others to be truly graceful and filled with greater meanings…
To be awake is simply to remember…
All my Love&Light until next week
Claudia xxx