Dearest readers,
Today’s subject – Karma – is a topic that regards absolutely all of us even if you may not believe in it. It is an insightful subject matter, which is still not deeply understood by many, and yet it holds the keys of why we have exactly the life that we have with all of our challenges and our successes.
If we can be humble enough to comprehend this spiritual truth, and learn the lessons originated by our Karma, we will discover that we have as well equal opportunity to dissolve it, as no one of us needs to carry Karma forever. And of course if we wish to evolve consciously, we cannot ignore the reality of Karma as it does touch humanity at both individual and collective level.
Wars, poverty, famine are just some examples of the collective Karma of humanity that will keep coming back regularly till certain fundamentals lessons will be acknowledged once for all.
The word Karma has become widespread as possibly most people will have heard of it – but do they know that is not just a word and that they are personally affected by it in the positive and in the negative throughout their entire lives? Probably not since if we are not consciously awakened, we may spend most of our existence wondering why, for instance, we have difficult relationships with members of our families, or why we can’t be with the person we are madly in love with, or why we can not attain financial success or be recognized by our peers, or why we can not shift the loneliness of our soul, the lack of fulfillment, or take off our mask and so on and on…
The answer to our misfortunes is not bad luck, or that life is unfair, but simply that we are bound by karma with certain people or areas of our life and until we recognize this and take our responsibility for having created this karma in the first place, we shall remain stuck in certain illusions and therefore the same scenarios will keep repeating themselves over and over again…
If life is our school, Karma is certainly the best teacher of many of our life’s lessons because the difficulties that we encounter are simply the barometer to indicate to us where Karma is mostly seeded within us so that we may release the blind spots in our consciousness and do something about it…
Our families are usually a good indicator of Karma at work, as most of us will possibly have some sorts of problems or misunderstandings with one or sometimes more family members.
Our families have been given to us exactly for the purpose of learning and balancing something that happened a long time ago, even before this lifetime….
This is why sometimes we may love more or feel more affinity with one specific family member, but we don’t understand why our relationship with other family members doesn’t flow at all and while we may believe that we have done nothing wrong to receive such ill treatment or hostility from them, something much deeper is at play because the Karma was not created in this lifetime…
This lifetime represents instead the result of what happened in a past life and even if it is not necessary to know all the details of the old story, we must simply realize that karma was indeed created with those specific souls that in this present life are returning back to us as, for example, in the shape of our mother or brother…. and the only key to break through this exact situation is forgiveness.
To give you a further example, if you may have a financial issue please be aware that you could have taken away from others and from the Earth/ Gaia in a different lifetime and now to reverse this, you must learn to be generous even if you don’t have much as it is generosity in this case that will help you to balance your lack of abundance which is the karma that binds you…
I hope you are starting to get how it works…
So how can we resolve these challenging situations?
With love, humility, forgiveness and patience is the simple answer…
Karma can only be balanced through an act of love or forgiveness even if sometimes this can be very hard for us to do. And yet if we do wish to get off the Karma merry go around, we have no choice but to take our own responsibilities even if they are not always apparent to us because, as I mentioned before, of the blind spots in our own consciousness.
And now, like every week, I am asking you to please go inside and to pinpoint to yourself where your Karma may be, with which people close to you and in which areas of your life where presently there is no grace, no energetic flow…
Then I would like you to recognize that all is temporary and that all is energy that can be shifted.
You may wish to write your list down.
Next you must make a conscious choice.
Are you ready to forgive yourself or others and let go? Are you ready to recognize that you might have created the Karma? Are you ready to let go of your pride and to open your heart again towards that person or that situation???
Please don’t judge yourself and don’t believe, even for a second, that you are a bad person and that you are punished right now for what you have done before, as this would be also an illusion…
Spiritual growth doesn’t come to us in the shape we may want it.
Spiritual growth comes to us through learnings and learn we must do…
So if we accept that we all have Karma and that we can shift it and really transform ourselves through some deep understandings, our earthly experience will be truly fulfilled by love, light, grace and peace…
And of course we are all also blessed with positive Karma, as we must not forget that we live on a planet of duality in which both dark and light play an equal role. The ultimate choice is always ours as we all have free will…
So we can choose to ignore our Karma and keep living within an unsolved internal and external reality, creating even more Karma for ourselves, or we may look in our hearts and acknowledge that we have the power to change both us and our reality through simply accepting and balancing our Karma.
Sending you all my Love&Light until next week
Claudia xxx