Dearest Readers, in our culture, we are used to the act of trying to improve ourselves in many different ways….

There is the gym if we wish to improve our bodies and strengthen our health. There are schools of all kinds and universities that offer many courses on a great variety of subjects if we wish to improve our intellect. And there are numerous career  opportunities to support us to forge our way in life towards what we consider being successful….

But if we are interested in improving ourselves as human beings, becoming more open hearted, then there is the practice of love and the practice of love is simply to give, although generally this practice seems to be mainly forgotten even if of course there are individuals that are still very aware of this spiritual rule.

In our society one of the greatest conditionings is the one in which most of us have been brought up with the absolute belief of taking care of ourselves first, leaving all others behind and possibly only looking after someone else once we manage to get what we suppose we may need so badly…

In a peculiar way we are brought up as if we are constantly in survival mode, believing that our lives resemble a war and therefore learning to protect ourselves and taking what we want is one of our prime behavioral patterns. Serving ourselves first has become the norm that rarely is questioned by our minds. This is not the spiritual truth but simply a program of consciousness that can be transformed…

Every day we are fighting for our survival viewing our circumstances as if we were on a battlefield and this is exactly what happens for many of us…. We are programmed TO FIGHT our way through life, as we accept as true that we have no alternatives if we wish to secure all of our needs…

We don’t just fight with our circumstances or others but we also fight within ourselves, causing internal clashes and separation that brings mainly confusion and all sorts of unsolved feelings and fears to raise up. When we fight with others, it is mainly the clashing of the Egos, as everyone becomes certain of being right, believing that our opponents must be surely wrong and often a lot of pain is inflicted upon all involved including us.

And we often fight against our Karma, not understanding its dynamics and sometimes breaking our head against a wall and repeating over and over the same mistakes without ever learning our lessons and this is how we get stuck in our illusions…

And fighting can be so exhausting bringing stress, unfulfillment, pain, fears etc…It drains our energy that instead could be put at good use recharging us in all sorts of positive ways….

But Selfishness, this perpetual self serving state of being, does not help us to see life in an expanded way but instead limits us, creating barrier after barrier between our mind and heart and doesn’t allow the love to come in fully which is what can truly reverse the fighter within us through the practice of giving instead of holding back and just taking.

When we start giving, we don’t exist anymore in survival mode because we finally realize that there is so much abundance around us and to share love will only increase the flow of grace putting an end to all the struggling….

If you are experiencing a difficult life, where many are the obstacles and all takes such a long time to come to fruition, you may start to consider that maybe you don’t give enough and this is the simple reason of why you are not receiving enough back…we are, after all the ones responsible for what is created in our own reality…

Love is not an abstract concept or the result of a romantic encounter. Love is something very real that every human being can feel and experience in any moment and if you wish to improve and fortify this love within you then start giving of yourself where and when you can…

I am not asking any of you to become saints but to acquire a higher level of awareness about the fundamental ways in which you do live your everyday life.

Are you struggling or are you peaceful and manifesting your needs with grace?

Where can you give more?

To whom is it time now to give some love and kindness? Or what are the reasons of why you are unable to give to that person or to that cause?

What is stopping you from opening your heart to a member of your family right now for example?? Why do you believe that you must fight every day to get what you want instead of receiving grace?

Ultimately it is not your fault but just the reflection of the many conditionings and patterns within your own consciousness…

So once again I am asking you to become your own Loving Observer and to dig deeply in the mechanisms of your own conscious awareness to find out what is blocking your own heart energy to flow and circulate within you…

One of the biggest fears could be that you believe that there is not enough love, enough abundance within you and around you, that you are not enough therefore you must struggle and struggle to provide yourself with whatever you can grab…

But is this truly the way you wish to live??? Struggling with a close heart that doesn’t know how to give or receive instead of attracting the best for you with ease through an open heart that has learned the practice of love that has learned to give as the Universe can so easily support you if you do allow it.

Life is only a battlefield if you believe that this is the ultimate truth…

Your reality is created by all of your positive or negative thoughts and you will keep fighting and struggling if you don’t shift consciousness about this conditioning choosing to be instead the loving and peaceful warrior, cocooning your Ego with love and deposing your arms made of ancient energies, patterns and programs binding you instead of expanding you to be the amazing creator that you are…You must simply let go of what does not serve you anymore…

My prayer for all of you is that you start practicing giving and I promise you that it will not take you so long to build a field of love within you and around you that will transform your reality into the life of your dreams…

Sending you all of my Love&Light until next week

Claudia xxx