Dearest reader,
I am inviting you to look at yourself in the mirror and to imagine, feel or perceive that what you see is merely a minimal part of yourself. Believe it or not, this is indeed your smaller version as what you are looking at, is in fact, only your physical body, the body that was given to you just for the purpose of this incarnation in order to anchor your soul on Planet Earth—meaning really and truly a borrowed body with an expiring date and with the unique purpose of supporting and serving you for the duration of this lifetime…
So now, is time to realize that we are so much more then what we can observe in the mirror…
Our soul is indeed very large, much larger then our physical body and the whole of our consciousness is even bigger as our consciousness is distributed across so many different levels because we are also the owners of a light body which makes us so much taller and expanded then the image reflected by the mirror.
It might take you a little while before your mind can process this information and align to the spiritual truth of how large we truly are. The reason being that firstly we must break off from all the conditionings regarding the many limitations that are part of the program of not remembering at all this piece of vital information; this forgotten other worldly reality and therefore our true nature of light-beings having a temporary earthly experience….
The reason why we don’t carry those memories is because this is part of the journey down here, the rediscovery of our own truth that may take several lifetimes, till, in Divine Time, we awake again, acknowledging our real nature once we finally emerge from our own veils of forgetfulness.
Spiritual Awakening simply means to remember…
Everything is temporary on this planet but our soul, lightbody and extended higher consciousness are eternal…
So now we must comprehend that when so many of us don’t feel enough or feel less then others, this is just an illusion. I would say one of the biggest for sure; a limitation that doesn’t at all reflect the truth of who we originally are and the vast sizes of our lightbodies…
If you belong to the group of human beings that believes to be so small– not important enough, not wanted enough, not loved enough, not appreciated enough, not beautiful enough, not clever enough, not rich enough, not successful enough etc…I am inviting you to reprogram this false belief system of feeling that you are not good enough, replacing it instead with a new found awareness that you are simply learning a lesson regarding self-worth and once it is acknowledged and learned you can experience transformation- beginning to see yourself growing bigger as the light within your own consciousness starts to let go of its own limitations becoming brighter and brighter…
But please let me explain to you a bit more…
Once we reincarnate in a new lifetime, at a conscious level, we are immediately faced with all that was collected from previous lives. Parts of this old consciousness usually are filled with unsolved energies, the ones that created all of our karma, blockages, patterns, fears, false belief systems, limitations, illusions, etc…But at the same time we also inherit from our body of light wonderful gifts, extraordinary knowledge, wisdom, self-guidance but most of it is locked within our superconsciousness.
And while we can all have access to our superconsciousness, we must realize that in order to achieve this, it will take some work on our part, as firstly, we must unblock ourselves from all the blockages and this can only be done through inner work, in which we learn to go deeply within ourselves without judgment—[The Loving Observer].
Meditation is very important because is the best way in which we can start to make space in our busy mind, beginning to truly discover our own essence, our own voice emerging from a state of silence….
If we live constantly surrounded by noise and avoiding any soul- searching, it shall be difficult to get to our own truth and to liberate ourselves from the many layers that keeps us a prisoner of old paradigms….
So, space and silence are the strongest allies on our journey of self-discovery.
And now, please, think for just a moment of how your life could be if you could suddenly see that there is nothing small or insignificant about yourself and that you can instead access your higher consciousness and expand beyond your thoughts and feelings, beyond anything you know at present.
In order to rebuild, often we may need to completely raze to the ground what was there previously…and this is called “making space”…
And now try to imagine that you could be self- guided in any moment with no more fears or self doubts, creating your reality with so much more ease and grace instead of thinking what an effort it is or how difficult it is to live life sometimes or how much struggle you may face just to get out from your bed most days…
But did you ever wonder what is that slows you down, that makes you unhappy, what is that blocks you from being the incredible person that you truly are?
The answer is simply your unsolved consciousness that blinds you from seeing yourself in the light of your own spiritual truth.
The shifting of our consciousness can happen only through becoming aware of what has been hidden from us by many religions for so long—the direct connection to our superconsciousness through the dissolution of all that obstructs this sacred connection which is held by absolutely all of us with no exception.
In these past 8 months, the purpose of this weekly column has been to kick-off a spiritual exfoliation of many of our illusions, patterns, etc… to then lead you to this last article, revealing to you the true reason of why it is so important to detached from these old programs/paradigms that we are all entering upon our incarnations…. it is simply the only way to achieve the superconsciousness state of being that we all deserve, as no one on this planet needs to be held at ransom by their own karma and all the various dynamics and mechanisms of their own consciousness…
After next week’s interview, Simply Consciousness will become monthly, returning with a different formula but the aim is still unchanged—to bring to all of you, beautiful readers, a new level of conscious awareness within yourself and therefore within your reality….
All my Love&Light until next time…
Claudia xxx