Dearest readers, as the collective of humanity we have an array of things in common even if we are of course very different from each other in our personalities, and indeed experience unique lives according to both our Karma and the individual lessons we need to learn.
For example both birth and death are a certainty, equally touching each one of us without distinction.
And placed just below the top of the list of what we may all share together, there is fear—because the largest part of us suffer from some form of fear, all sorts of fears, buried in our consciousness and ready to strike according to the lower or higher nature of our conscious awareness, because the less conscious we are, the more the fear will be of deep impact and affecting our daily reality…
And these spectrum of fears can range from something so small and almost insignificant to something that has real power over us; fear that in fact can easily overpower us, manipulate us and limit the Love&Light within us—meaning limiting the flow of love & of giving and receiving in our hearts and the expansion of our consciousness, hitting us instead with anxieties, stress, burdens and restrictions…
From the spiritual point of view, fears are simply cellular memories that do block us with their different levels of strength. And fears are always born from the mind, from a negative thought form that takes a stronghold over our lower consciousness [that part of our consciousness that still seat in lower frequencies, that hasn’t been raised up yet] manipulating us into believing that they do truly exist and conditioning us into believing as well that if we don’t act upon our fear in a certain way; meaning as commanded by the fear itself; all hell will break loose in our reality. Yes, we can be totally imprisoned by our own fears…
But how do we usually act?? Mostly, we listen to the fear and instead of treating it as an illusion we do follow it and we do feed it; we fuel it giving it our own precious energy as food, a negative process of leaking our power of creation that can leave us exhausted at times. Of course we all know already that when we feed something it will grow and so fear has the potential of growing out of proportion through the use of our own energy, causing the loss of our power and once this course of action is accomplished, we shall be so sucked in, inside that fear vortex, that we shall not be able to distinguish anymore the truth from the illusion…
What we must all remember is that we are powerful creators—all of us, it doesn’t matter how we may perceive ourselves. And we have the choice to create in so many different ways as we have the potential to be able to create the highest level of fear as well as the highest level of grace in our realities.
Many of us don’t really know where our fears come from… they are just there all of a sudden but we must realize that we are not victims of our own fears but simply their creators and that we also have the power to starve them to death, to take our power back from them, to treat them as they don’t exist as in truth the largest part of our fears do only live in our minds. But if we keep feeding them they will for sure manifest in our reality such is our power of creation…
And now is maybe time to reflect, to make a list, writing down all of your principle fears in order to realize that are not real but only originated by unresolved memories and a range of either subtle or stronger conditionings…either self imposed or imposed by others… And it is also time to realize that some of these fears are not originally yours but that you picked them up from the collective consciousness of humanity that generates a lot of the fears that we all have in common…. For example— both fear of poverty and fear of death are top of the list in our collective consciousness.
A lot of collective fear is also generated by political propaganda, by the daily news that often is reported in sensationalized ways that reveals only a part of the truth projecting on us a lot of negativity, so only the dark in everything is shown but the light is never exposed…
It is truly important to learn to discern our fears, to become more aware of how we create them so that we can win them over using the wisdom of our clear consciousness. This is why to understand the dynamics of our consciousness is so important as this will support us in facing and transmuting our fears, ultimately taking our power back from them.
To give our power away is what often delivers us in situations that will spiritually weaken us instantly and in which to be attacked by fears, stress and anxieties will grow to be a daily reality that will only shrink more of our infinite potential. To avoid giving our power away, it is not about growing our Ego or to believe that we are better then others or that we may always know better. It is only a matter of achieving crystal clear consciousness about our own mechanisms and dynamics, to truly be aware that all is originated by us in both the positive and in the negative, including our fears.
To live well is to live in a reality without the conditionings brought by all of our fears but instead to be free of them, to know that they are simply memories of something that happened a long time ago, even before you were a child, in a lifetime that you cannot consciously remember but your soul still holds those memories. But now, in the present moment, you finally have the opportunity, to raise your consciousness above these fears and to recognize that they do not serve you anymore and you can let go of them instead of keeping on believing in them and feeding them continuously.
The choice of where you wish to place your own energy is only yours as it is the choice to either give your power away or take it back and build for yourself a reality in which peace and harmony reign supreme and there is no more space left for fears to grow…
All my Love&Light until next week Claudia xxx