How are you?
That’s a question that has me answering from so many different perspectives recently.
How am I as a mom. As a business owner. As a human being living through an unprecedented global pandemic affecting all aspects of all of our lives. And even with the plethora of information out there to help us work through this time, so we can figure out how we are doing, nobody has the answer. Because none of us have faced this before – and certainly nobody knows the answer for you. Coming to that understanding, I decided to …
Sit back and and settle in.
In the first weeks of this, I was in awe of my colleagues who swiftly shifted their offerings to virtual trainings; almost magically overnight. I realize that most had to – to keep the lights on and people employed. I felt a strong sense of missing out, and the need to ‘catch up’ and change my live trainings into a virtual model. But in the end I didn’t make the switch. Mainly because …
I didn’t want to. (and I do realize that is a luxury)
My work in Leadership and Team Development training through creativity was intentionally built for live, in-person training. And it will remain that way. And when we are all let out of our houses and gathering again – we’ll meet again.
So I sat back, settled in to the work I could do, while focusing on (not very successfully) homeschooling a 7-year old.
And in the slowness of settling in … an opportunity for a new offering appeared. One that helps meet client needs, and also allows me to collaborate with, and feature some of the best facilitators I know.
A request from a client presented an opportunity that made sense to me, for them, for now. So I wrote a proposal – that has evolved into an offering, intended to give companies a customizable & reasonable solution to continue professional development as most their teams work from home.
I have partnered with a group of creative facilitators in this LIVE VIRTUAL LEARN LAB SERIES to address the needs of people who are all collectively – figuring this out. And since that includes all of us – these learn labs are one part information sharing and three parts interaction and discussion. The sessions are designed by each facilitator to develop skillsets and mindset that will help us in our present environment and beyond!
And unlike most launches I have done in the past, I am just putting this one out there for people who need it – to find it. No metrics, no KPIs, just purpose and intention.
Sitting back and settling into what I can do.