I’ve been working for more than 18 years and there are a lot of things that I’ve learned throughout the years. Nobody is perfect in the beginning and we learn and grow with time and experience. I believe in helping others with the thing that I’ve learned with my experience as an entrepreneur. As far as work productivity is concerned, the field of work doesn’t matter.
Productivity is something that most of the people working in the private sector suffer with or simply, lack in. There can be an infinite number of reasons for the same but there is a solution or in this case, many solutions to a problem. I am writing this article based on my own experiences about how I manage to improve my productivity. The sole purpose of this article is to help those who might need it.
For all of you out there who are struggling with productivity at work, I have some tips for you that will help you in improving your productivity. Again, these are based on my own experience of 18 years as an entrepreneur. So, let’s get started:
Get Rid Of The Distractions
First and foremost, get rid of anything that distracts you from work. Just make sure that you pay full attention to your work till the time you are in the office. Keep things that distract you such as phone and other electronics away from your desk. You can leave your phone in your car or lock it away in your locker and only lay hands on it in your break time. Try to choose a seat that is away from your friends or the people you like talking to. This will help you in working attentively and improving your overall productivity.
Some Motivational Music Can Do The Trick
Put on your headphones, open whatever streaming service you like, and listen to songs that motivate you. Not only will it help you in cutting off distractions, but it’ll also inspire you to work with your full potential. You will notice yourself giving it your all while listening to upbeat music and energetic lyrics. This is something that I am fond of doing while I work and it has helped me a lot in improving my productivity. I’m sure that doing this will help you a lot as well.
Do What You Love To Do
It’s a popular saying ‘do what you love to do and work won’t feel like work’ and from what I have experienced, the saying is true. However, please be careful not to overdo yourself as that’ll only make it harder for you. Just make sure you work in a field that you are actually truly interested in and take breaks whenever you feel the need for it. Follow your passion and you’ll notice your productivity going through the roof.
Draft A ‘To Do’ List Every day
Something that I am used to doing now is making a list of tasks to accomplish every day. Not only does it give you an idea of what to do first and what to do last, but it also works as a tool to stay away from distractions. When you know what you need to do in one day, you’ll realize that you don’t have much time for distractions. Trust me, this will help you in completing your work on time and that will improve your productivity very much.
The Hardest Task Must Be Accomplished First
What most of us are fond of doing is delaying or preserving the toughest task for the last thing in the day. It’s safe to say that doing this really harms your productivity. This is because the hardest task will consume the most amount of time which will harm your productivity. And if something is easy for you to do, it won’t take you much time to accomplish. So, the easiest tasks must be accomplished first and then you will be able to spend the time you saved on the hardest tasks. This will help you a lot in improving your productivity.
Multitasking Is A Bad Idea
It’s a very common belief that if you have been working for a long time, you develop a habit of doing many things at once. And this helps you by accomplishing many tasks in less amount of time. Well, this statement is true, however, there is a very high probability of mistakes in this method. You will complete a lot of tasks in less time but you will end up exhausting yourself. Doing this really harms your productivity a lot by making you somewhat incapable of doing any extra or surprise tasks. So, we must accomplish all the tasks one by one to grow our productivity at an accelerating rate.