In order to be a great teacher, there are many qualities you should possess. People want to be able to connect with their teacher and communicate with them effectively. Teachers should have a vast amount of knowledge, but they should also have great excellent people skills. Below we will discuss some of the various skills and qualities of being an effective teacher, as featured in an article on Center for New Designs In Learning & Scholarship.
As a teacher, you want to remain positive at all times. As the saying goes: “you attract more flies with honey.” People are more likely to be actively engaged and interested in what they are learning if their teacher is instructing with positivity. This puts the students in a positive mindset and keeps them interested in the subject they are learning about. Many teachers, in the beginning, become overly concerned with the concept of needing respect, and they can tend to act abrasive or authoritative. You should think of your students as teammates and be rooting for their success throughout every session.
As a teacher, you should know the course material you are teaching inside and out. If students need to make sure they attend each class and read their assigned work, it is only suitable that you are held to the same standard. You should update yourself on the material you are teaching very often and make sure that you have read the assigned material that the students are responsible for so that you are never faced with any surprises. Make outlines for classes and projects in advance instead of waiting until before the course, so you are properly organized and prepared to teach.
Clear teaching
The best thing you can do for your students is to be clear and concise in your teaching. When lessons are hard for students to understand or comprehend, it can negatively affect their work and success in the course. If you are teaching in-person or online, make sure you use a clear, strong voice and make eye contact or keep your view centered towards the class. If there is challenging terminology in the course, do your best to ensure that students understand exactly what they’re learning. Another suggestion is to provide visual aids such as charts and graphs to further curate a clear focus for your students.