- What is your number 1 tip to keep high grades in Malibu HS?
In order to maintain high grades you must pay attention in class. No matter how tired you are or how boring the lectures may be, you must give your utmost concentration. The teachers explain whatever you need to know right then and there. In addition, ask as many questions as you can. Even if some questions seem a bit foolish and simple, teachers enjoy when students are interested and engaged.
2. How do you keep balance between school, martial arts, club soccer, and music?
Honestly, keeping a steady balance between all these activities is impossible. You just have to work through the hectic schedules and remain as diligent as possible. At times you might feel extremely overwhelmed, but you just have to take a deep breath and relax. At different times of the year, some activities are more important than others, so you have to prioritize. You have to sacrifice different areas of your life. The most important thing to do in order to balance everything is to have a flexible schedule. Having the support of your parents is vital to staying on task and well prepared. It is definitely hard now, but it is an essential skill to know how to manage stress and organize a busy, active schedule.
3. Why do you think is important to sleep 8 hrs a day? What do you learn the most about the wonder of sleep from one of the books you read during 36-hour Plan with Malibu A Plus Tutor sponsored by Malibu Education?
It is important to get enough sleep because it plays a major role in physical and mental health. On average, we get 5 to 6 hours of sleep every night. Therefore, having a busy schedule prevents you from sleeping the required amount. In order to maintain high grades, you have to sacrifice sleep every now and then. Most nights we don’t arrive home until late at night due to club soccer and martial arts. Thus, giving us very little time to cram as much homework and required reading for the next day. We know that getting enough sleep is not only good for memory but also extremely beneficial for increased attention and focus. Here is to more sleep!

Lana & Jade celebrating their Achievement Success Certificate from Malibu Education for being among world’s fastest readers with reading rate above 1000 words per minute.
Jade and Lana King are both approaching 11th grade at the age of 15. They are twins from Malibu who are dedicated towards their success in school and in life. Their parents, Marty and DeAnna King are committed in supporting Jade and Lana’s many hobbies that include club soccer for LA Galaxy, martial arts for Warrior’s Heart Karate, and playing three instruments (guitar, piano, and viola). In school, they are straight A students who try their best in all aspects of study, including their online Chinese class as well as honors and AP classes at Malibu HS.