It starts with a groggy morning, cursing the late bedtime the previous night and promising to never repeat again. Temper runs high, productivity runs low. You know the reason is the lack of sleep. Yet, you are unable to break the vicious cycle. After all, after the long working hours, binge-watching at night or endless social media browsing is the only respite to a hectic, erratic day.
Pandemic has not only brought our social life to halt, it has wreaked havoc on the daily routine and sleep hygiene we used to have in the pre-COVID era.
While stress and anxiety have an adverse effect on sleep quality, an often undiscussed factor is lack of work-life balance
Many managers seem to have an uncalled for mistrust on their subordinates, and so assign higher than usual workload to prevent employees from slacking. This, in turn, results in longer work hours, lack of time for spouse and kids, further resulting in guilt, stress and marital conflict.

How to Improve Work-life Balance?
Now that you are working from home, bringing about a work-life balance is tougher than before. But putting up some boundaries will bring about a respite.
Block Your Calendar
Back to back meetings are so rampant that they may even extend to after work hours. So, it is important that you block your calendar and include non-negotiable family time post-work hours.
Take Frequent Breaks
You now don’t have the water cooler gossiping that actually refreshed you during your office hours. So, instead, take frequent 5-minute breaks in between your work time so as to keep your productivity high. A quick snuggle with your kids, a check on your spouse and a glass of water for hydration go a long way in keeping the entire home happy.
Don’t forget your leaves
Most companies give their employees two casual leaves every month. Earlier we used to accrue them for a long annual getaway. Now as that remains a distant dream, use your leave to take a break and rejuvenate yourself.
Finally, Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself and your co-workers
This is an unprecedented situation. And we, unfortunately, don’t know how long it will last. Rather than being hard on yourself and policing your co-workers and subordinates, it is in everyone’s best interest to trust each other, understand their predicaments and give a better leeway.
Now, even if you are able to achieve a perfect work-life balance, your productivity will be hit if you don’t focus on your sleep. So, get outside ( with mask and social distancing of course), get sufficient sunlight to avoid Vitamin D deficiency, get moving, get away from negativity and get a good night sleep every night!